Chapter 25

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** Louis' POV **

Now this woman was with us in the room Harry was silent. After his one word reply he said nothing. My heart ached for the boy who couldn't be himself unless he wanted to be told off.

The rest of the boys soon came in. They were all chatting until they saw the lady sat on the round chair. Liam looked over to Harry and placed a hand on his back.

"Harry I don't think we need you to do anything else tonight so you can go home if you want? I will call you if we need anything." Liam's voice sounded soft and sweet. Almost like he was talking to a child.

Harry nodded his head slightly and got up from the sofa we were sat on. I got up and followed him. Once we were outside of the room Harry let out a gargled sob and he looked as if he was going to collapse!

I instantly grabbed his weak body and he pulled him into a tight hug. His hands made fists around bits of my top and he tucked his head into my shoulder.

I let him cry into my shirt for a few minutes before whispering to him. "Let me drive you home." He lifted his head and looked me in the eye. His previously bright and joyful grassy green were now a dull and trying to say something that his words couldn't.

He was in pain.

"Just when I think things are going well she comes along and ruins my mood."

I quickly placed a kiss on his cheek and then lead him down the stairs to my car.

All the way to Harry's the only words spoken were him giving me directions. I asked if he had driven her and he told me a car picked him up so we didn't have to worry about getting his car.

Harry had the jumper I had given him in his hand. He was stroking the soft fabric with his thumb. He was trying to control his breathing but it was still raggedy.

I pulled up to these big gates and Harry got a small black remote out of his pocket. He pressed the first button and it unlocked then he pressed a second and it opened. Once it was fully open I drove in and then he pressed another button and the gate closed.

I parked up and Harry undid his seatbelt. I wasn't sure if Harry wanted to be alone or not right now so I stayed still until he asked me to come inside. Of course I agreed. How could you not help someone in this state!

Once we were inside I followed Harry into the kitchen and he put the kettle on. "I want to be able to love who I want and I don't want to think about it!" He no longer seemed sad just desperate to be accepted.

"Why don't you come out then? Fuck that stupid woman who says it will be bad for publicity. I was told that any publicity was good publicity! You see how you fans are! They have even written stories about how they want you and the other boys to be gay! Some of it is deeply disturbing but I'm guessing you have seen the video of me reading smut." He cracked a smile and nodded.

"I was laughing for ages. I know our fans wouldn't mind it's just everyone else. The fans parents wouldn't want their children liking us and the media would have a field day with it." He sighed.

"Surely your fans are the only people that matter!" I shouted at him yet instantly regretted it. "Sorry."

Harry offered me a cup of tea and of course I accepted. We went into the living room and Harry asked me something. "How should I come out? I want to wait for a while but I want ideas."


That night I stayed round Harry's and neither of us wanted part from the other. Harry's bed was insanely comfortable! It was so comfortable neither of us could be bothered with sex, we just wanted to cuddle.

When I woke up in the morning I felt a pair of eyes on me, Harry. I looked over to Harry, he instantly shut his eyes and pretended to be asleep.

This could be fun I thought.

"Your so hot. I wish you could know what I was dreaming of. You would probably blush and squirm but I don't think I could tell you what happened to your face, I'm glad you're asleep. You were on your knees taking me in your mouth so deep-" I felt Harry start to move against me.

"I know you're awake Harry." I said with a smirk on my face.

"Then you won't mind sucking me off as what you told me got me h*rny" He finally opened his eyes and smirked back at me.

After we had gotten each other off we decided on breakfast. Our date was tonight and it was all I could think about.

"What are you wearing tonight?" I asked Harry.

"This." He gestured to his nakedness.

I had put my boxers back on after our antics where as Harry didn't bother. I wasn't complaining though! His nakedness was gorgeous!

"As much as I would enjoy and get turned on by that you could get arrested." I walked past him to get to the coffee machine and slapped his perky bum as I walked past.

"Hey." He pouted but I giggled. "Well I guess I will have to wear some jeans and a shirt then." He then stuck his tongue out and me and I replied with the same action.

"I'm looking forward to tonight, for our special night together!" I beamed.

"Meh. I'm just going so you can buy me food." Harry shrugged.

Again I slapped his bum just this time a lot harder. Like I was spanking him.

"Okayyy.. I can't wait either." I then walked over and kissed him.

"Be nice and I won't spank you." I smirked at him.

"Maybe I like you spanking me." I grabbed his ass with both hands and then kissed him.


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