Chapter 17

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** Louis' POV **

"Your flight is about to board Mr Tomlinson. We need to take you through security." The lady who had been looking after us told me.

"Okay. Could you just give us some space to say goodbye before I go?" I asked and she nodded before leaving the room. Andy was stood outside so no one came in. No one was around.

"I guess I won't see you for a while then." I smile sadly as Harry.

"I will text you when I get to the UK so we can make plans to meet up. I want to see you again, soon." Harry smiled down at me. He looked like he was at war with himself over something but he wasn't telling me.

"Just say it." I encourage him.

"Can I kiss you?" He blushed. I didn't answer him but instead placed my lips onto his kissing him slowly. My hands wrapped around his waist and his around my neck. No tounges were invloved or anything it was just slow open mouthed kissing. I could have got lost in his kisses but insted I pulled away knowing if I didn't I would probably miss my flight.

"I will text you as soon as I land." I hug him quickly and whisper in his ear "I really like you Harry Styles."

"I really like you two Louis Tomlinson." We quickly kissed again then I ran to the door and left the room.

"Lets go." I said to Lauren, the lady looking after us.

"You seem pretty close with Mr Styles." She smiled.

"Yeah. We met this weekend but he watched my YouTube and I'm a massive fan of One Direction. In my videos I quite often say how much I love them." I chuckle slightly.

"You seem pretty close for only knowing each other such a short time."

"I helped him through a few things." I say simply.

"I have to leave you now. But I hope you enjoy your flight and thanks for the pictures." She smiled as we got to the body scanners.

"Okay thank you." I smiled back and put my bag on the conveyer then walked through the scanner.

As normal it bleeped and they checked me to find i didn't take my belt off. I took it off put it on the conveyer then went through again and I was clean.

I went through a few more security checks before I boarded the plane but I was first on so that was a bonus.

I put my bag up into the overhead carrier then sat down just as the first passengers were allowed on.

It took a while for everyone to get on and then a man and, who I assumed to be, his daughter. "This one Dakota." The father said.

She looked up and our eyes met. Her eyes went wide and her jaw dropped. I started to panic. Would I be sat next to a crazy obsessed FanGirl the whole flight?!

"Dakota. Sit down already." He father demanded.

"I'm sorry for staring. It was just the shock." She apologised going bright red.

"Don't worry love." I smiled at her still begging that wouldn't be a mad stalker.

"You two know each other?" Her dad asked.

"No. I watch his videos though. He's what made me start YouTube." she sat down in the seat next to me.

"If you would like me to sit in between the two of you I can." The older gentleman told me.

"As long as she doesn't go psycho on me and allows me to edit my new video without much destruction we should be fine." I smile at her and she nods.

"And if your really good I will let you watch my new video once I have finished editing it. Just don't tell anyone who my guest is!"

"Would you really do that?!" She gasped.

"Course! I need another opinion when editing anyway!" I could see she wanted to scream. It was the face I was pulling when Harry told me he wanted to speak to me alone.

I spent the first hour and a bit of the flight editing then had a brake from it and started to talk to Dakota for a bit. I found out that she loved to film YouTube videos and wanted to be a director when she was older. She lived in South Africa for a year when she was 2 then moved back to the UK and now she's 16 and wanting to move to America, her and her dad were looking at houses while they were out there.

"I should probably let you get on with editing. I really want to see this video." She chuckled.

"Do you want to know who it's with?" I asked her.

"Please!!" She begged.

"Harry Styles." I smirked.

"Pull the other one Lou." She rolled her eyes.

"No really! Look!" I showed her my screen and she was shocked.


"He called me out and said that he watched my videos and he was a massive fan. We got to know each other pretty well during the weekend and now we're pretty close." I smiled remembering the unbelievable kiss we shared before I got on the plane. The explanation I gave Dakota was incredibly vague but I couldn't exactly tell her I slept with him then helped him come out could I?!

"You are one lucky man Tomlinson."


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