Chapter 13

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** Louis' POV **

@Louis_Tomlinson: About to film with the guest of my dreams!!

I set up the camera and mic before I clicked the button on the camera.

"So you have all your questions right?" I asked Harry.

"For the billionth time yes." He replied with a slight laugh.

"Sorry but I want all of my videos to be perfect!" I sassed but he continued to laugh at me.

"So you film a video about an hour before you have to upload it and don't edit it then say you want all your videos to be perfect. Yes, I do read the description box." Harry raised an eyebrow and bit the edge of his lip.

"Their not all perfect but I definitely want this one to be!" I rolled my eyes. "Okay let's get started, bend down."

"Why can't I just sit up?" He asked.

"Because then I can introduce you so get down there." I pushed him down then started the video.

"Hi guys Tomm91 here. Today I'm filming with someone I have gone on about basically since my channel started. Unfortunately he has seen all of my videos and it probably as obsessed with me as I am with him. Think you know who?" I paused for a second. "Mr Harry Styles everyone!" I announced.

"Hii!" He smiled just enough so you could see his perfect dimples.

"So today we are going to be asking each other questions to see who knows who best. Whoever looses has to.." I paused to think.

"Get into an ice bath naked." Harry smirked.

"So you want to jump into an ice bath naked." I cocked an eyebrow at him.

"No but it would be funny to watch you jump into an ice bath." He smirked.

"Confident Styles. I don't know if I like this side."

"Well get used to it. I will not let you live it down once I have won." He pretended to flip his hair off his shoulder. It was almost long enough to do so.

"We'll se-" there was a knock on the door so I got up quickly and opened the door to see Niall, Liam and Zayn.

"Hey guys do you need Harry for something?" I asked.

"No we were wondering if we could hang with you two? Reseption gave us your room number." Loam told me.

"Yeah sure. Were just filming a video! You guys can help!"

They followed me into the room and we found Harry making faces at the camera. We all started to laugh.

"Well I'm keeping that in!" He suddenly turned around and blush covered his cheeks.

"Sorry." He apologised.

"Don't be. Boys if you sit there on the bed, two of you read the questions out one of you keep score." Me and Harry passed them our questions and we started.

"So now the other three of Four Direction have joined us the will be asking us the questions and keeping score. So first question please!"

We got asked 15 questions about each other. Everything from Harry's first word to why I'm called Louis and now it was the deciding question.

"Okay guys create a buzzer sound!" Niall told us.

"OINK!" Harry shouted and the rest of us looked at him like he was mad. "Whattt.." He pouted. I love that pout safe to say its cuter than Darcy's pout when she doesn't get her way.

"Gahh!" I demonstrate my buzzer sound.

"Okay so the final question is..." Zayn and Niall started a drum role with their hands. "We had to name Beyoncé's first single."

"OINK! CRAZY IN LOVE!" Harry shouted before I had even had a chance to think.

"How do you know that?" I ask him. He's almost 21 and male. How does he know these things?!

"I just do." He looked embarrassed that he knew that so I moved on quite quickly.

"Okay. We need an ice bath." I huffed.

"The pool has one of those plunge pools. You could jump in that." Zayn suggested.

"Okay I'll send a message to the YouTube lot telling them to come watch." I grabbed my phone and sent the message then went into the bathroom to strip down.

I grabbed my towel and wrapped it around my waist before going back into the main room.

"Ready?" Harry asked in a sickly sweet tone.

"No but your not going to let me get away with it are you." He shook his head and then we made our way down to the pool area.

When we got down there lots of people were waiting for us. "So what's all this for then? All we got told was it would be worth watching." Alfie asked.

"Well I lost a challenge for my new video and I have to jump in the plunge pool butt naked." I announced to everyone.

Everyone laughed and got their cameras and phones out to film it.

I covered my dick with my hands because otherwise my nudes would be all over the internet in seconds and I could do without that.

I put the towel to the side then asked for a count down. "5- 4- 3- 2-" before they could shout one Harry pushed me in but because I wasn't expecting it I grabbed onto Harry and pulled him in with me.

Everyone burst out laughing. Once I got to the surface of the water again I screamed at the temperature of the water. Harry's hair was allover his face and he was swearing like a sailor because of how cold it was.

Lots of people were fiddeling with their phones posting it to twitter and things.

"Someone pass me the towel!" I shouted and Louise grabbed it for me. "Thanks" my teeth chattered as I got out.

Harry climbed out of the pool and was shivering. "Get Harry a towel. He's freezing!" I told Zayn and he quickly grabbed one from a pile by the bar.

"T-thanks." Harry chattered as he was wrapped up by Zayn.


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