Chapter 1

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** Louis POV **

"You honestly don't know how thankful I am for this." I told Jim and Alfie as they helped me put all of the Ikea furniture, I had bought earlier with them, together.

"How many times have we told you! We don't mind!" Alfie laughed.

"If you keep saying thank you I stop." Jim added.

I had done it. I moved into a flat of my own. Not round the corner from my mum and Dan, no, all the way in London. Okay I wasn't far from friends, Joe and Caspar live in the flat below but this was still a massive step.

I would have come and asked Joe and Casp to come and help me set everything up but they are the most useless people I know for that sort of thing! Plus they would take the mic of my Four Direction posters..

[AN: The boys will be called Four Direction as they are no longer One Direction without Louis!]

I wouldn't be upset if they got ripped more like devastated. Some of them were limited addition and one was signed by the boys! You can't blame me!

Okay. I better say that I'm a Fanboy. Not the type that you learn about in English but the sort that go mad over Four Direction!

I'm worse than Tyler!

"That's the wardrobe done! Where are those girls with our lunch?" Jim thought aloud.

"They have been gone an hour! It doesn't take that long to get a few pizzas." I complained then as if on que the buzzer sounded and Zoe's voice spoke "Its cold and we have pizza! Let us innnnn!" You could hear Tanya's laughs in the background.

I walked over to the phone pushing the button to let them in.

"Give us the pizzas and you won't get harmed." I joked as Zoe and Tan came through the door.


Later on once all the food was eaten we started to talk about the up and coming events. IE Vidcon.

"So your going to stay with me the night before we fly out to America right?" I asked Zoe and Alfie. It was easier for them as then they wouldn't have to get an expensive taxi or drive there themselves.

"Yeah if that's still okay? Gosh its only a week! I need to start packing!" Zoe replied.

"Of course! Now. Who's going to help me put Zalfies bed for tonight together? I don't want them bunking with me. Well actually I will have Alfie in my bed. Sorry Zo you can sleep on the sofa." Everyone laughed.

All of our friends knew I was gay, my mum and dad too. I would always joke around with the lads and they joked back. The viewers found out I was gay when I did a coming out video. That's if they couldn't tell already!

The fans always tell me and Tyler they want us to get to get together but that would never work. There would be too much sass! Plus we would fight over who had the better ass.

Tyler and I had an 'if we need it we give it' kind of relationship even when we first met we locked ourselves in a cupboard and gave each other messy hand jobs.

And that was at Tanya's makeup launch!

[AN: The make up launch is like 4/5 years ago in this book]

When we got to know each other a bit more we decided on friends with benefits but we have never had the idea of dating one another.

We both had eyes only for Mr Harry Styles.

"Come on. Let's go sort this bed out I don't want you to steal my boyfriend and have butt sex with him. His ass isn't that good and we all know Louis tops." Zoe told us before getting up to put her plate in the sink. The bit that made her statement even funnier is how deadly serious she had said it!!

"Hey! Alfie has an amazing ass!" Jim stood up for his mate.

"I don't even want to know." Tanya shook her head following Zoe towards the spear bedroom.

"Actually its quite a funny story-" Jim started.

"Could I stop you there?" I asked Jim and he stopped talking. "Good." I added and followed the girls.

When I joined the girls in the spare bedroom they were having a rather weird conversation. Or maybe it was just the few words I heard. "But do you think it would be hot to watch them have sex?"

"COULD YOU HORNY BITCHES PLEASE GET TO WORK OR LEAVE." I shouted. They instantly looked up at me and blushed.

"Sorry Lou. Are we making you uncomfortable?" Tanya asked, every the caring one.

"No its just I thought you two were the innocent ones." I rolled my eyes and got to work with them.


I can promise you most of the chapters in this book will be longer and much much better! Around 1000+ words.

Sorry this chapter is so short!

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