Chapter 28

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** Louis' POV **

The second I stood off the plane I could feel the heat of the Californian sun. It was brilliant. I put the sunglasses in my hand on my eyes then walked down the stairs to the floor to collect my suitcase then go to the car. Harry joined me in the car along with Niall then we set off.

When we arrived at Harry's I gasped at how big the house was. "And you thought my London house was big." Harry laughed. "I pretty much bought this place for trips like this."

"Harry you need to quickly get changed then go meet Nadine at this ice cream bar." Kattarina told him as soon as we stepped into the house. He grabbed the piece of paper from her hand then told me to follow him.

"Where are you taking me?" I asked as we went up the second flight of stairs.

"To our bedroom." He answered me his voice harsh.

When we entered the grand room with a bigger than super king sized bed I grabbed Harry's arm. "What's up H?" I asked sympathetically.

"Nothing." He pulled his arm away and lifted his suitcase onto the bed to get some clothes out of.

"No there's something up. Tell me." I got up into the bed and sat on his suitcase preventing him from getting the things he needed.

"Louis. Now is not the time." He tried to push me off but I stayed in place.

"Harry. Tell me or I will spend the night somewhere else. I'm sure my friend Tyler Oakley lives round here."

"I just don't want to go out with this Nadine bitch!" He snapped. "I want to spend the rest of today with you, Sophia and the lads not some woman who I have to act like I love when I clearly don't find her attractive in the slightest!" He put his hands in his hair and pulled at it hard.

"Harry, you'll hurt yourself," I pulled his hands away from his hair. "Just think you're doing this for us. It's this or whatever hair braided idea that Kattarina bitch can think of!" I tried to reassure him.

He didn't say anything back just clung onto me as if I was his life support machine. "Calm down baby." I shushed him. "If you do this for Kattarina I will take you out somewhere nice tonight. No one will see us. Don't tell anyone." He lifted his head to look at me.

"Thank you." I kissed him once more then tapped his bum.

"Now get changed. The quicker you get there the quicker it's over and the quicker you get back to me!" Harry chuckled and wiped his eyes.

"You never know she might be nice." Harry told me but then we looked at each other and burst out laughing. "Okay maybe not."

** Harry's POV **

I stepped out of the car and walked straight into the ice cream shop. The paparazzi snapped countless photos of me, it was clear they had been told I would be there.

I glanced around the store and there was only one person in there. "Harry?" She asked as she stood up to come and hug me.

"Yeah. Your Nadine right?" She nodded her head.

"You want something to eat?" I asked her.

"Yeah." She spent most of our time together giving me simple one word answers. It was really annoying as I had to do most of the work and I am known for being quiet.

"Do you want me to take you home?" I asked her once we had finished our ice cream and our conversation had ended.

"We have only been here an hour. My manager told me I had to be with you for at least two hours." Her cheesy voice was really starting to get on my nerves.

"What do you want to do then?" I rolled my eyes.

"Let's go to mine then." We both got up and left the franchise. I lead her to my car and we both got in.

She told me where to go and I followed her instructions eve though I wanted to scream at her to shut up.

Once we got to her house I sat on her living room sofa.

"Do I still have to act nice to you?" I asked her.

"I don't know why you're taking it out on me. I have been respectful of you. It's not my fault you're gay." The way the last word rolled of her tongue made me want to be violently ill.

"The reason I have to have beards is because people like you say things like that which makes my management think people will hate the band if it has a gay member!" I wanted to hit her but I knew better than to do that.

"Just saying." She rolled her eyes and left the room so I got up and left the house. When I got outside there were lots of paparazzi snapping photos of me and calling my name. This was the last thing I needed right now.

"Could I just get to my car and go please?" I asked them and they respectfully parted for me even though they still took photos.


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Sorry for such a short chapter.

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