Chapter 30

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** Louis' POV **

I woke up with an intense hangover and the sound of Harry groaning next to me.

"How much did we drink?" I asked. I attempted to open my eyes but then winced as the bright room hurt my eyes.

"The whole bottle of vodka." Liam announced as he walked in the room with two glasses of water and a bottle of tablets. He gave me and Harry a glass each then handed us two tablets each which we both quickly swallowed.

"When I got you home you both tried stripping off shouting that you wanted to go skinny dipping. It took Niall, Zayn and I to get you back into the house and get you to bed!" I hid my head in the duvet out of embarrassment.

"You two couldn't stop telling us how much you loved each other too! That was sweet." I looked at Harry and he smiled.

"All I remember is sitting up in the hills drinking and laughing." Harry slipped his arm around my waist pulling me into his chest. I was glad he wasn't afraid to show affection to me in front of his friends.

"Well Louis, you told me on the phone something about a chicken crossing the road and Harry wanting to interview it." Liam looked at us confused.

"I don't remember that.." I tried to remember but as Harry had said, everything from sitting up in the hills drinking on wards was a blur.

"Well I'm going to leave you two. You think you can stomach some breakfast yet?" Liam asked.

"I not yet thanks." I politely declined and Harry did the same.

Liam left and we were alone again. The room was very bright even though the curtains were still pulled.

"My eyes hurt." Harry wined to me.

"Hey! Are you saying my beautiful face hurts your eyes?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Yes, of course Louis. That's why I'm craving a kiss from you!" He rolled over on top of me then kissed my lips. We started to deepen the kiss but we both soon pulled away.

"Maybe we should brush our teeth first?" Harry suggested.

"Yeah that might be a good idea." I laughed.


"So what do you want to do? We could go down to Santa Monica or into town and do some shopping. The choice is yours really." Sophia asked. She had been here with Liam before so she knew a few places we could go where as I knew nothing as I had only been here once before with Tyler and even then we only grabbed a Starbucks.

"I would like to go to the Santa Monica pier. That looks cool."

"Okay well I will go grab my bag and shoes then we can head out." Sophia smiled at me then ran up stairs to the room her and Liam were staying in.

I grabbed one of my many pairs of vans and put them on next grabbed my phone and wallet and shoved them in my pockets.

As Liam had warned me, Sophia took at least 20 minutes to get her things before she finally told me she was ready to go.

In that time I received a text from Harry saying how the interviews were boring and making his head hurt again. Luckily all of his interviews were after lunch today so he had some time to recover before the rush of interviews.

Sophia and I walked to the car Andy was going to drive us in. Harry told him to keep an eye on us as he and Liam both wanted us kept safe and we had seen fans were predicting us going out in LA today.

"Where are we going then?" Andy asked as I opened the door for Sophia.

"Santa Monica." She told him.

"Okay! Well buckle up and we will be on our way." He smiled and started to drive.

Once we got out of the car we looked around at the amazing colours and long but once we did we looked around in awe of the amazing colours and sounds of a band playing brilliant music.

We walked along the pier and looked in a few shops. I bought all three of us am ice cream before we walked to the end of the pier and went on a few rides. The whole time we had a group of fans following us but Andy made sure they kept their distance.

After many rides and a few minutes feeling very sick, we decided to spend a bit of time on the beach. We found a very quiet part of the beach and then took a group photo with the remaining fans that were still following us and then they left leaving us to have a bit of time sunning ourselves.

We ended up spending about an hour on the beach before deciding to go back to the house as fans kept coming up to us and taking photos of us.

We could sunbathe and swim in the garden anyway.

When we got back I went straight into the pool but Sophia insisted on sunbathing. It was in the pool but its much more fun if you have someone to muck around with so I jumped out of the pool and grabbed my camera. I placed it on the edge of the table and made it record what I was about to do.

I took Soph's book out of her hands then scooped Sophia up in my arms and ran and jumped into the pool. Oh, did I forget to add how she was screaming bloody murder?

I let her go once we hit the water. We both pushed up off the bottom of the pool up to the surface and once I took my first breath Soph pounced on me.

"I will kill you and delete your YouTube channel!" I was pushed under the water.

"Kill me but don't hurt my YouTube! It's my one true love!" I gasped when I got above the water again.

That was the moment that me and Sophia both looked to the french doors to see the boys watching us like we were mad.

Nothing new there to be honest!

"What on earth are you doing?" Niall asked as they all walked towards us.

"I chuked Sophia in the pool! Stop the recording on my camera then you can watch it back!" They all laughed, even Liam, so Sophia got out of the pool and ran up to them all giving them all a very soggy hug.

Lets say they all stopped laughing very soon after!


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Sorry.. A bit of a naff chapter..

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