Chapter 2

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** Louis POV **

After I had moved in it didn't take much time to settle in. Of course there was boxes all over the place but they would take a while to unpack. The good thing was I had fully unpacked my kitchen things, bedroom things and editing / computer things.

Other than that I have just sat and procrastinated for a week.

Today, on the other hand, was the day I flew to vidcon with the gang. It was 3 AM and our flight was at 7. We had an hour to get ready before we had to go. I decided to go wake Zoe and Alfie. Hmm. How could I be super annoying and a pain in the ass?

Be myself?

Nah. That wouldn't work this time. I know. I grabbed my camera.

I grabbed my air horn that I got as a joke moving in present from Caspar, turned the camera on and ran into their room. I jumped onto their bed and started to twek while tooting the horn. Soon enough the pair were shouting at me to stop but I wouldn't till they go out of bed.


The last thing I saw before I was knocked to the floor was Alfie pull the duvet sharply towards him.

I groaned as I hit the floor and the two in bed laughed at me. "This isn't funnyyyyy." I wined but all they could do was laugh.

"Were you recording that?" Zoe asked.

I got up from the floor and rubbed my back and pointed the camera at her. "Yep. I'm a Youtuber what do you expect."

Then I turned the camera on myself "Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed that little intro there! Sorry for headphone users." Then I added "So today we are flying out to Anaheim for Vidcon! I am really excited!! Are you?" I shoved the camera into Alfies face.

"Fuck off Lou. How can you be this hyper this early in the morning!" He groaned covering his face with the duvet.

"Because I'm excited! Anyway lets get away from those boring people." I said to the camera and walked into the living room where there was still no sofas. They were coming the week I got back from Vidcon. "So in case you didn't know I am at Vidcon this weekend. I am doing meet and greets and a main stage performance but I will link details to that below. Plus John and Hank have got a secret performance! I really can't wait to see who it is! Anyway I need to go make sure Zalfie have woken up then get ready to go so I will see you in the next clip."

I turned the camera off then walked back into Zoe and Alfies room to find them kissing. "Yuck. Heterosexual couples." Then walked out again. Well they were awake so might as well get changed. I jumped in the shower and washed my hair and body before jumping back out and finding a clean pair of boxers to put on while I did my hair.

About half an hour later we got out of our Uber and got our suit cases out of the boot before walking into the airport. I got my vlogging camera out of my pocket and turned it on before giving the viewers a quick update. "Hello again! I have just got to the airport with these two." I turned the camera to my companions and they waved. "Were about to go through security so I shall stop recording and start again once I'm through."

We stood in the que for about five minuets before we reached the front. We all handed our details over to the lady behind the desk. She looked so bored. "Are you bored love?" I asked.

Her eyebrows raised and she smiled at me. "Very! We have to sit here and look at peoples documents and passports for hours on end. Plus we can't giggle when someone has a funny passport photo."

"Sucks! If I had it my way my photo would have been like this." I pulled my funniest face I could causing the lady to laugh.

"That has made my day thankyou!" She put the lables around our luggage and then pressed the button that shot them through to the sorting bit.

"Thats okay! I make it my job to cheer people up!" She gave me a friendly smile and told me that there needs to be more people like me in the world. We got our documents back then said by walking off to the next part of the airport.

Once we had been throught all the scanners, Alfie had set it off when he walked through, he still had his neckless on. Stupid boy. We came into the departcher lounge. All of a sudden Zoe, Alfie and I's names were called and I we all thought it was a fan.

That was until Louise ran up to us.

"Oh my gosh! LOU LOU!" I jumped into her waiting arms. Louise was a mummy to me. She treated me the same way she would Darcy.

"Mummy Louise!" We both laughed then I heard Zoe clear her throte as if to notify Louise that she was still standing there.

"Sorry chummy but I saw you three days ago. I haven't seen Lou boo for about two months." Zoe rolled her eyes.

"Sorry for making an effort then." She protended to be pissed and turned away but when Louise tackled her in the biggest hug ever she couldn't help but laugh and hug her back.

"Louise are others here yet?" Alfie asked when he hugged her.

"Yeah their sat over there" She pointed to the corner of the room where lots of our friends were slumped around an extention lead with all their chargers plugged in. Typical.

Alfie headed over. "Duity free?" I asked.

"Duity free." Zoe and Louise agreed.

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