Chapter 32

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** Louis POV **

"You look gorgeous cover in flower eggs and sugar you know." Harry looked down at me and smiled. "I could make a cake out of you if I stuck you in the oven." He added.

"But you won't because you love me." I smirked back.

"True." He leaned down and kissed me. I was finally getting what I wanted.

I kissed him back and slowly my hands made their way to his face and then up to his hair. Harry hands were on my bum, softly kneading it and I could feel the want grow in my stomach and my pants.

I moaned lightly into the kiss and pulled his hair slightly as I knew it turned him on.

I moved my hands down from Harry's hair to his jeans. I slowly wiggled my hand into the front of his skin tight jeans and started to palm his member to full hardness. Harry moaned extremely loud at the shock of my hand being where it was.

"Louis, Louis" Harry moaned again.

"What's going on in here!" Niall shouted and our lips detached but I couldn't quite get my hand of of Harry's pants fast enough.

"I-i uh.." Harry mumbled.

"Don't let me interrupt. You can go back to fucking in the kitchen if you want but let me remind you that there is four other people in this house who can hear your moans over the screams in the movie." Niall told us and we both blushed.

"We were trying to make cakes but things went a bit wrong.." I tried to convince him things weren't meant to get out of hand but he didn't believe me.

"Yeah instead you tried making baby's." He laughed.

"Two men having sex can't make a baby. Don't you know anything about biology?" Harry rolled his eyes and pulled me closer to try and cover our hard ons but really it just made them rub together. I could have moaned from the friction.

"Dropped out of school at 16 to join a boy band." Niall leaned up against the kitchen counter as if he was waiting for us to continue or something.

"We better get this cleaned up." Louis backed away from me and started to look for some things to help.

"There's a mop in that cupboard." I pointed to the door by the bin. "I'll help you." I grabbed a cloth and started to wipe down the walls.


"Nadine! Want a shot? It will calm your shaking!" Zayn asked with a laugh.

She looked like she was about to cry but she was also trying to act brave. It was quite funny to watch actually!

"No I think I will be fine." Harry then crept up behind her and slowly breathed down her neck. She FREAKED!

She screamed so loud, I looked at Harry and smirked "She's louder than you in bed Harry!" They all laughed apart from Nadine who let a tear fall from her eye.

"I'm leaving." Her voice cracked as she got up. "You gay pricks should just come out. You deserve all the hate. I hope your shitty boy band goes down the drain and you all end up as drug addicted hobos who have to fuck each other to keep warm!" She screamed then ran out slamming the door.

"You don't deserve any hate. You two only deserve love and kindness! You know both fandoms will give that to you." Niall put a hand on Harry's back.

"Thank you Niall." I walked over to him and gave him a hug.

"I need to speak with management." Harry declared before adding "if they don't let me come out I will do it anyway. I don't even like Modest! So I won't mind getting dropped by them."

"No one likes Modest!. Not the fans or the other artists. Petrie and the girls hate them." Zayn told me.

"Well if the don't let you lets release our sex tape!" I told Harry and the other boys gasped.

"Well we have to create one first but that's work I won't mind. Niall want to film it for us as you were so into what we were doing in the kitchen?" Harry asked and he grimaced.

"No thanks!" He looked discussed.

"Your no fun!" I laughed.

** Harry's POV **

It's times like this that I wanted to remember for the rest of my life. The times when I was genuinely happy. So happy not even a stupid comment from Kattarina could put me down!

Louis had me pinned to the bed and was tickling me senseless! Between my laughter I was begging him to get off me but I knew he wouldn't. I could have wet myself from laughing so much!

I squirmed and wriggled about trying to get away from him but his legs were straddling my hips so it was virtually impossible! I tried kicking but I couldn't reach him then I had an idea.

"No! Louis! Stop! Stop!" Then I pretend to faint. I was pretty good at this as I would pretend to faint when Gemma tickled me too much. At first she would panic and call our mum because shE thought I had died but after a few attempts, and almost calling an ambulance twice, she didnt believe me.

Louis on the other hand didn't know about this trick so he instantly stopped wriggling his fingers. "Harry." He sounded nervous.

"Harry. Are you okay? Speak to me!" I made my breathing deeper and quieter so my tummy didn't move up and down when I took breaths.

"Harry! I'm worried now please stop joking around now! Your scaring me!" His voice was desperate.

When I didn't respond he got up off of me and I heard him run across the room to the door. He threw the door open and ran down the corridor. That was when I sat up and grabbed the gossip magazine that was on the bedside table and I started to read it.

"Liam I don't know what I did to him help!" I heard Liam panic as he dragged Liam into the room.

"What's going on?" I asked innocently as they both apeared at the door. Liam looked rather annoyed.

"So you mean you dragged me in here to check on your 'dead' boyfriend to find him alive. I'm missing out on sex for this!" Liam stormed back to his room clearly not impressed.

"Wh-what's going on!" Louis looked confused.

"I love you Louis." I smiled innocently and fluttered my eye lashes.

"You really worried me Harry!" He seemed a bit angry..

"I'm sorry. I just wanted to get revenge for the tickling." He walked back oer to the bed and sat down next to me.

"You owe me." His eyes were slit.


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