Chapter 31

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** Harry's POV **

"But I don't want her in my house! It's where I live and if I don't want her here I won't let her in!" I shouted down the phone.

"Well at least let her in the building so the paparazzi see then you can lock her in the basement for all I care! Just make sure she is seen again leaving in the morning. We have given the paps a tip off so the should be waiting outside." The old man drowned on at me.

"Can't wait till we leave your shitty management company." With that I hung up the phone.

I had been told that Nadine had to come over tonight for a 'Romantic Night In' even though me, Louis and the boys had planned to go out tonight but management didn't care about that, they just wanted me to be on the front of every gossip magazine.

I put my phone back into my pocket and walked into the kitchen to join Louis and the boys. Louis was stood cutting up some vegetables for dinner, which I was helping him with before I received the call.

I walked up to him wrapping my arms snugly around his waist and rested my head on his shoulder. "What did they want? I could hear the shouting."

"Nadine has to come over tonight. I won't be able to come out to the club with you all." I sighed.

"What! No I was looking forward to tonight!" Louis placed the knife down and turned around in my grip. "I guess we will have to do it next Friday instead. The clubs only open on Friday's"

"You can still go it's just I can't."

"It won't be fun without you!" Louis pouted.

"We wouldn't be able to dance together or act like a couple if we went though." I reasoned with him.

"Your right." He sighed then added "but I guess we can have a night in watching movies or something? Right?"

"I don't know. I don't even want her in the house let alone watching movies with us, plus she doesn't exactly sugar coat things. If she doesn't like something she will tell you. She will probably make a few harsh comments if we cuddle up." I told him.

"Well we can lock her in the basement then." Louis smirked.

"Well management did suggest it." I smiled back and kissed him quickly on the lips.


"No Harry we told you. We're not going. It's a club and were in America so much we can go another time." Niall insisted and I eventually gave in.

"Okay. Someone go buy a load of alcohol. I think we're going to need it tonight." We were sat at dinner and they were all trying to convince me that they were fine without going to one of the most popular clubs in the city.

"Maybe we could get her so drunk she will pass out?" Zayn suggested and I think it was the best suggestion I had heard all night!

When Nadine arrived she pulled a suitcase behind her and I simply rolled my eyes and let her in. "Show me to the room I will be staying in." She demanded.

"Um no. Just leave your bag there and you can come watch a film with us in the cinema first." Louis told her, he didn't even give her a choice.

"Rude." She muttered. "What are we watching?" She followed me and Louis.

"The Boy Next Door. It really messes with your mind." I turned around and smirked at her. She looked scared for a second but soon recovered her evil expression.

"Can you cuddle me? I'm terrified of scary movies." Louis whispered so Nadine couldn't hear and looked up at me with doe eyes.

"Of course baby." I kissed his head and put an arm around his waist.

The home cinema had ten sofas like chairs all staggered facing the big screen on the opposite wall. The room was a mocha brown colour and had white carpet.

The other three boys were already in there and had loads of snacks. They were all sat up the back of the room by the iPad that controlled what film was played. We walked up and joined them, as the rows had 5 seats, Nadine had to sit all alone.

Half way through the movie Louis crawled into my lap. He looked up at me with terror in his eyes.

"Can I go outside?" He whispered. I wasn't that interested in the film anyway so I nodded.

Louis was about to move off my lap but I grabbed him and lifted him as I stood. I carried him out of the room but of course Nadine had to make a comment.

"Pussys." She shouted.

I knew Zayn, Niall and Liam had our backs though and they made snarky comments back at her.

"Let's make cupcakes. That can take your mind off it." I smiled at Louis as I placed him onto the kitchen island.

"Oh that would be perfect!" Louis kissed me slowly showing his love for me.

"I love you Prince Charming."

"I love you to Lou Boo."

Louis leaned into kiss me again but I pulled away and started to grab things to make the cupcakes.

"But I want kisses from my baby!" Louis pouted.

"But I would rather you help me make cakes." I pouted back at him.

"Okayyyy." Louis hopped off the side and joined me on the other side of the kitchen where I had a bowl and some scales ready.

"Okay Mr Baker what do I need to do?" I asked.

"Put 250 grams of flour in the bowl." He did as he was told as I got the next ingredient out and ready for him.

"Harry!" Louis shouted then as soon as I turned around he chucked the rest of the flour over me.

"Oh no you didn't." I grabbed two eggs then cracked them on his head.

"Oh it is ON!" Louis shouted and grabbed the bag of sugar and tipped it over me while I did the same to him with the flour in the bowl.


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