Chapter 10

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** Harry'sPOV **

Once we went off stage I met with Louis back stage and we said a quick hello and asked how each other were but then I was shooed off to my hotel room by security as there was a crowd forming around the sight.

Once I got to my room Zayn came in and started to ask me I was meeting the other two boys for lunch with him. I obviously agreed as I needed to tell them all.. Things.. I really needed their help with the whole Louis situation.

I really thought if I met him I would realize that these weren't feelings for him I just liked him, but that all went out the window the second I sucked his dick. Liam and Zayn's both had stable girlfriends and Niall always had a way with people, men or women, he could turn anyone to mush with a wink and some of that Irish charm. They could all help me to say what I needed to say to Louis and then maybe take him on a date?

I don't even know.

I agreed to lunch so me and Zayn met Niall and Liam in the hall and made our way to lunch.

As we walked through the seemingly endless corridors Niall kept moaning about how we had to stay in the hotel and how Paul was treating us like 5 year old's. Zayn tried to reason with him about how we could get mobbed or kidnapped but we have all heard this same argument about a billion times so its no use.

We get down to the dining room and sit as far away from everyone as possible, the last thing I want is something coming up and asking for a picture or overhearing our conversation.

The hotel had put on a buffet for all of the guests so the others went off to get food. I wasn't hungry because of my nerves. I kept going over what I was going to say in my mind but I couldn't seem to remember a thing.

The boys came back over and Liam looked at me worried. "You okay mate? Your shaking and look like your about to cry. Are you ill?"

Zayn and Niall looked causious but I shook my head dismissing it. "Nah I'm fine, just not hungry."

I should tell them now rather than wait.. I can't bring myself to bring the subject up.

"I saw you staring at that Tommo guy all through the Q&A." Liam smirked.

Zayn and I looked at each other then I nodded. I was going to say it.

"Um. Can I- uh like- tell you all something? Important- well not that important but-"

"Just spit it out H." Niall rolled his eyes.

I tried to swallow but my mouth was dry. "I- uh-" That's when Paul found us.

"Hey lads you okay? What are you all talking about?"

"I'm going back to my room." I was so close then Paul came over and I couldn't find my words. I hung my head in shame and walked towards the elevator.

Zayn came rushing after me. "H. You almost had it! Go back and tell them!"

"No! I can't! I need to get away it all!" The elevator doors opened so I stepped in and pressed the button of my floor leaving Zayn in the hall.

As soon as the doors closed I lost it. I thumped the side of the elevator just as the doors opened on another floor. I looked at who opened it and it was the one person that might know where I'm coming from.


"Are you okay?" He asked.

"I was about to say it! The words were about to role off my tongue! But then Paul had to come and interrupt!" I had my hands in my hair pulling at it in frustration.

"Harry look at me." Louis told me but I couldn't. "Harry! You have got yourself into a state! You need to calm down! Let's go up to your room and have a cup of tea. If we go to mine who knows who could walk in." He put one hand on my shoulder and the other under my chin to make me look at him.

"Don't you have something else? Weren't you going somewhere?" My voice was almost silent.

"I was going to go and see a few mates, other YouTubers, they won't mind." Would he tell people that this happened? Is happening?

"Are you going to tell them? About this?" I asked as the door pinged and we walked out towards my room.

"If you don't want me to I won't. I would never do anything to make you feel uncomfortable, on purpose that is." I swiped my key and opened the door.

"Thanks, sit down somewhere. It's kind of a long story. First I need you to know something."

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. "Go on. I think I know what your going to say but I need to hear you say it."

"I-I'm gay." A few tears slipped out as it was the first time I had actually said it aloud. There was something about Louis that made me feel comfortable enough to be myself. I shouldn't be running crying from him like I did this morning I should be laying in his arms like last night.

I went on to tell him about why I ran out crying, what happened when Zayn found me crying, how he convinced me it's okay to be myself and being about to tell Liam and Niall but being interrupted by Paul.

He seemed calm about the whole thing. "Harry the exact same thing happened to me. If I hadn't of joined YouTube and met Tyler I probably wouldn't have come out. I guess you could say he was my Zayn. He helped me through a time when I wasn't even sure if I wanted to be here, I thought no one would accept me, okay there are people that don't except but they don't matter, only the people that support me matter."

Then I realised that this wasn't such a big deal.


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