Chapter 11

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** Louis' POV **

I was so glad Harry was happy to open up to me. I had only met him the other day but I felt like I knew him for a lot longer.

"Thank you Harry."

"Why are you thanking me? If anything I should be thanking you." He smiled so his dimples were showing.

"No. I'm glad you can trust me enough to come to me for help. If only you knew how much it meant to me." I mumbled the second part.

"I have watched your videos for ages. Years even. I feel like I know you so well yet we've only just met.." His green eyes were shining like stars in the night sky.

"I guess you know I'm a fan then." That's when I grew some balls an chuckled Louise's advice out the window. "Once we both get home from vidcon would you like to meet up? Maybe me take you out or something?" His smile grew about a billion times bigger.

"I would love to." I looked down at his perfectly plump lips then back up to his emerald green eyes.

"Is it-"

"Just kiss me you fool" I place both of my hands on his cheeks and leaned into kiss him. His lips were as soft as marshmallows but as soon as I slid my tongue in he tasted like mint. Our tongues battled for dominance for a while until I won. Gently I pushed Harry back onto the bed and got on top of him, still not braking the kiss.

We broke apart both panting. "Can we just stay here for a while? Just you and me? Like cuddling?" Harry blushed as he spoke the words.

"Of course." I smiled down at him then rolled over onto the bed next to him.


"Tell me something that no one knows." Harry announced after about half an hour of silence.

I played with Harry's hair as I thought of something. His head was on my tummy and he held my other hand.

"Um.. I read 50 Shades of Grey in a week." Harry lifted his head up and gave me a very weird look.

"You read 50 Shades of Grey?!" He joked.

"Yes! It's a very factual and intellectual book!" He cocked one of his eyebrows and we both started to laugh.

"Okay stop laughing at me. What about you? What side of Harry Styles has the world never seen before?" I asked him.

"Hard question but.. This one!" He laughed and pointed to his dick.

"Dirty boy! I like it." I smirked and he laughed. "For real though."

"Probably that I'm gay. Not even my family or Liam and Niall know yet.." He looked away when he told me. I could see he was ashamed of himself.

"It's not a problem, it's not a curse or anything, it's just who you are. Everyone's different and this is what makes you different. Your different to everyone because your Harry Styles of One Direction and you like men. There will be people who won't like it but your fans will still love you. As long as you have them, your family and friends you will be fine! Plus you won't be getting rid of me in a hurry." I small smile appeared on his lips and It made my heart flutter. He was honestly beautiful.

"Do you have anything else to do today? Any vidcon things?" He asks me.

"I have a main stage performance at 5 but that's it. I have to be there at 4. What time is it?"

"Oh.. Do you think after you could help me with telling Niall and Liam? You don't have to! Its just you make me feel more comfortable with myself. Its quarter to 4 by the way." I slowly played with his hair, simply running my fingers through it.

"Of course! Anything to make it easier, I know how hard it is. You can come with me to the performance if you want no one will mind."

** Harry's POV **

"Thank you. Any things better than staying in a hotel room for two hours on your own!" Then it dawned on me.. "But I'm not allowed out.."

"Can't you just send Paul a text saying you are coming with me? I'm not exactly going to kidnap you." I giggled.

"Maybe not you but there are lots of fans out there." I reasoned.

"Well let's play dress up! You look a similar size to my friends Jim and Alfie! Use some of their clothes and tie your hair back or something." As he was talking he pulled on my hair slightly, by accident I think but I couldn't hold back my moan. I loved people playing with my hair.

"Calm down Styles your only borrowing their clothes not eating off their naked body's."

"No you pulled on my hair. I love it." I confessed.

"Oh really?" He did it again causing me to moan and then again.

"Stop it!" I slapped his hand from my hair, got up and pinned it down above his head.

"Oh so you can be dominant?" Louis smirked.

"Oh I can do much worse than this." He then raised an eyebrow as if to say 'try me!' So I started to kiss, lick and nibbel at his neck.

"Stop now or I will make sure you finish what you started and we don't have time for that. I need to find Jim and Alfrado so you can borrow their clothes." I kissed his neck once more then got off of him.


I was stood in a nice man called Jim's room, I had met him and his fiancé before at a few fashion things so it wasn't as awkward as I thought it would be. I had some slightly baggier jeans on and a blue baseball top. I put my hair up and into a beanie before turning to Louis, Jim and Tanya.

We all agreed that there were bound to be some fans that recognised me but I did look very different so they would have to look closely.

I sent Paul a text saying that I was going out with Louis to his mainstage performance but I was in descise so it would be harder to recognise me.

We always told the fans we didn't do this but when we wanted to go somewhere when there were fans all over the place we would sometimes dress differently.

Once we were already we joined a few more YouTubers and all walked to the conference centre.


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