Chapter 9

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** Louis POV **

"Hello girls!" I smile at the overly excited girls.

"Hi Louis! We love your videos." The taller blonde with black skinny jeans gushed.

"Yeah we never miss them! My favourite is the "I broke Zalfie up" video! I would have totally believed you. Zoe looked horrified when she saw you and Alfie kiss!" The second girl told me. She also had blond hair but had skinny blue jeans on.

"I'm glad it was a prank though. I love Zalfie too much." The first girl added. Not long after that they were told to move on so we quickly took a photo then the went and the next girl came up with her mother.

The girl must have been around 14 but she seemed so shy. Her mother had to nudge her to say something. "H-hi Louis."

"Hi love, you don't need to be nervous. Its just me. The Sass Master from Doncaster!" I turn to her mum "My mum does call me boo bear though." I tell her and she laughs slightly.

"See lolly pop even your hero's have silly nicknames from their mums!" We carried on chatting and and eventually she came out of her shell. I took a picture with the girl and then her mum asked for one and the girl went bright red with embarrassment.

After around another 10 fans I have a brake. I sat and chatted with Jack and Fin as they had a meetup after me. We were chatting about their last adventure to Zimbabwe when loads of fans started to scream. We looked at each other curiously then went to see what was going on.

Everyone was turned towards the stage and on there was Four Direction. My eyes instantly went to the curly haired lad who I was infatuated with.

He was sat between Zayn and Niall with Liam next to Niall. He looked uncomfortable but Zayn gave him a reassuring smile and he seemed to relax. It infuriated me. I wanted to be the one he looked to for reassurance not Zayn.

That's when I was called back to my meet up. I walked back onto my space and everyone was still looking towards the stage where the boys were talking about their new album.


All the boys looked over at me and Liam said into his mic "Someone's missing the attention."

Harry just chuckled and shook his head. He was so confusing! One moment he was crying and running out on me the next he was laughing at me wanting attention.

"Okay Louis. I'm sure Harry will join your meet and great line as soon as were done up here." Zayn told me with a smirk and Harry's head shot up in shock but then he played it off cool with a smirk.

** Harry's POV **

I was shocked that Zayn had said that in front of so many people, especially after this morning. I tried to play it off cool with a smirk and it seemed to have worked. While the meet and greats were going on we were doing a Q&A so after the fans had met their YouTube idols they could come and watch us.

It felt good to tell someone who I really was. I had trusted Zayn since we were at judges houses and I was home sick. He sat and chatted with me. He asked me about my childhood and what made me audition for XFactor It was a good distraction. All I had to do now was tell the other boys but I had planned to do that tonight maybe at dinner.

"See you back stage then curly" Louis shouted up to me with a wink and I went bright red.

I hope he didn't mean that...

During the whole of the Q&A I only spoke when the boys asked me something, the rest of my time was spent watching Louis. He was so kind to his fans, even when they tried to knock him over, that only happened once though.

Every so often I would get asked for my answer to things like 'Would you date a fan?' and 'Why is the album called Four?' I thought these girls were fans.. Wouldn't they alredy know that kinda stuff? I answered them anyway.

I looked back over to Louis, after answering the most resent question directed at me, and I found him giggerling at something the boy in front of him said. I felt something boiling up inside me. Jelousy? It couldn't be. Louis' not even mine..

When they took a photo it looked like Louis was kissing him on his cheek and other boy's hand was dangerouly low around Louis waist, almost on his ass.

I really wanted to say something but I would have to say it in front of all these people and that was a big no no.

The guy walked away soon after and I let out a sigh of relife. "What was that for Styles?" Niall asked.

"Nothing. Whats the next question?" Louis looked over at me then went back to greeting his fans. I wonder if he knew I was watching him so he cozied up to that guy on purpose.

Then again from my reaction this morning he probably hates me. I should really explain everything to him..


I have known this guy just over a day and I am thinking about coming out to him?! I haven't even come out to the rest of the band or my parents?!

I really do need help.


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