Chapter 3

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** LouisPOV **

"So I haven't vlogged since we got to the airport. Well now we have met up with everyone else YouTuber wise that is on this plane and me Zoe and Louise are now in duity free!" I told the camera before Louise took it out of my hand and started to vlog for me.

"We all know Louis is rubbish at vlogging so I'm taking over! A bit like how Jack does with my vlogs! So. So far me and chummy have picked up a few new items. I left my bronzer at home so I picked up a Bobby Brown bronzing pallet. Looking forward to using that and I also forgot my sunglasses so I picked up this pair their quite cheap but they will do! Zoe remembered everything but found a few things she was wanting to try so picked them up."

Louise continued to talk while I wondered round the shop.

My phone went off so I picked it out of my pocket and looked at the notification that had popped up.

@Harry_Styles tweeted: So excited for this weekend! Anaheim here we come!

No. They can't be going to Anaheim this weekend because- wait. Was that the surprise John and Hank were talking about when the emailed me the details? They said about a surprise performance but Four Direction?

They couldn't have got the biggest boy band in the world to perform at Vidcon. Could they?

I walked back over to the girls "Do you think he could be talking about Vidcon?" I asked showing them the tweet.

"You still have notifications turned on for when Harry tweets?" Zoe rolled her eyes.

"Well thats the only event I know of in Anaheim this weekend unless he's going to see friends or something." Louise completely ignored Zoe.

"I guess so." Thats when our flight was called.

On the way to the gate I vlogged some more and showed the viewers everyone that was with me. Naomi, Marcus, Louise, Jack, Dean, Dan, Phil, Tanya, Jim, Louis, Steve, Zoe and Alfie.

When we got on the plane we all sat in our alicated seats. We all booked at the same time so we could sit together in one large group. Everyone around us probably thought we were going on a friends holiday. Little did they know this was for work. Once we were all sat diwn and comfortable I asked one of the air hostesses to take a picture of us, I would use it for the thumbnail and to tweet.

Before we took off I asked the man in the next isle over,as we were all in the middle, if I could ask him to film us taking off for me. I wanted to do that arty thing all YouTuber did. He kindly agreed and not long after we took off. Not long after everyone was asking to use that clip of footage.

For the first hour of the flight I edited my new main channel video in time for Sunday. It was 'My Manly Monthly Favourites'.

Even though I was as gay as they came I still wanted to be a manly man. Is there anything wrong with that?! No? I didn't think so.

I got about half way through that when Louise tapped me on the shoulder and pointed to the seat behind. I peeked through the crack between the seats and saw Jack drawing on Deans face with a sharpie.

There were two cocks on his cheeks and 'wanker' was written on his forehead. Dean slept through anything so this was an easy time to mess with him.

"Louise give me a tampon!" Jack whisper-yelled so she rummaged through her bag and got one out for him. Jack then stuck it up one of Deans nostrils before we all took a photo. I had to hold back my laughter as he was still fast asleep.

After that I turned back around end edited a bit more.

By the end of the flight everyone had moved around and we had been told by the staff to keep it down as we were annoying the other passengers. Oops!

When the pilot told us that we would be landing shortly, and we need to get back to seats and do our seat belts up again blah blah blah, it was like musical chairs between us all trying to get back to our seats. I got back to my seat quickly because I was small and could squeeze past people in the small walkway. When Louise sat back down next to be she tripped landing half on me and half on the floor. I think it was one of the funniest things I had ever seen!

I started to laugh. And when I say laugh I mean cry with laughter! Louise just huffed getting up and sitting down.

"Louis my knee hurts" she pouted. Even though she was my 'mum' I always helped her when she was home sick or hurt or sad in any way.

"Awh don't worry I'm sure they will get better! Want me to kiss them better?" I asked and she nodded. I kissed my fingertips and rubbed her knees. She smiled and hugged me.

"Don't tell Darcy or Matt but your favourite!" We bith giggled as the plane started to desend.


Again a short chapter sorry

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