Chapter 15

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** Louis POV **

I looked at the text from Harry and it was asking if he could come to my room because the boys were annoying him. I know I shouldn't feel bad for not being at the hotel but I do..

To Harry: I'm out for dinner with the YouTube lot.. Can't you just hide out in your room?

I didn't know what was going on but I know how it feels when lots of people are around and you just need some space.

To Louis: Their all in my room.. Don't worry I will just go and sit somewhere.

I didn't want him to be sat in a hall somewhere fans could find him.

To Harry: No you won't. I will call reception and tell them to give you a key. I'll call them now. Go down to reception.

To Louis: Thank you x

"I just need to go call the hotel quick. I'll be right back." I got up from the table and went outside.

I called the hotel and told them to give Harry the key. They asked a few security questions before hand but in the end they agreed.

I went back inside and most people had finished their meal. I was no longer hungry because I was worried about Harry.

Questions kept racing round my head: is he okay? Did the others say something hurtful to him? Is he crying?

The waiter came over and took all the empty plates and my half full one. "What was that about then?" Jimbob asked.

"Harry just needed to get into my room so I called reception to get them to give him a key." I told him.

"You two are pretty close for only just meeting." Zoe smirked at me over the table.

"We both used to stalk to each other. I think we know each other pretty well." I laughed.

"Are you going to meet up back in England?" Louise asked.

"I think so. This is more than a vidcon fling." I looked at Tyler and everyone laughed. There was no secret about me and Tyler hooking up. If you didn't hear us hooking up you would hear about it. It would never get out to the fans though.

We payed the bill and started to walk down the parade to the fro-yo shop. Me an Louise were talking with Zoe and Alfie about what we're doing when we go back to England.

"Oh Louis I forgot to ask. Me and Matt are coming to London for our anniversary. I know you and Darcy get on so would you be able to look after her for the weekend? It's the one after we get back to England."

"Of course! I love that little one!" I jump at any chance to look after her! I think of her as a daughter and look after her like my own.

"Grate. I knew you would say yes that's why I asked." We all got what we wanted from the Frozen Yogurt shop, I got chocolate flavoured with Oreos on the top.
We then all walked across to a small grassy area and all sat down. It was dark so we say by one of the few street lights.

It was the perfect Instagram opportunity so I snapped a few shots without anyone knowing.

I really wanted to get back to the hotel to I said goodbye to everyone before hailing a taxi. I told him the address and we quickly left.

I checked the time and it was already 10PM. I wonder if Harry is still up. In a way I hope he's not. I hope he has fallen asleep in my bed tucked up in the covers so when I get into my room I can slip under the covers with him and snuggle up to him.

Then my mind goes back to what happened the last time Harry stayed the night. I cringe at the thought.

Before long we arrive back at the hotel. I quickly get out and pay the driver before rushing up to my room.

I swipe my key and open the door to find Harry in his boxers tucked up in the balances on 'his' side of the bed. He was just about to fall asleep when he hears me enter.

"Lou?" His voice is raspy and perfect.

"Go to sleep baby. Can I cuddle you?" I ask slipping down to my boxers.

He nods so I slip into the other side of the bed and wrap one of my arms around his waist pulling him towards me. He tangles his legs with mine and I place a soft kiss on his shoulder before whispering: "Good night my love."


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Sorry it's short.. It's kinda a filler chapter and I thought it's a nice fluffy ending ☺️

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