Chapter 6

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** LouisPOV **

"Lou you still coming to the party tonight?" Zoe and Alfie were stood in my room. We were about to go and get some dinner as we were meeting all the English and American YouTube's then we were going to the finest nights party.

"Yeah! I haven't been out on the lash for almost a month! I need to let my hair down!" I shouted through the door. I hadn't told anyone what happened with Harry. I still wasn't too sure what happened myself! I hoped he would be at the party so I could speak to him but I doubt I would do any talking tonight.

I put on my nicest black skinny jeans and a white shirt then did my hair into my signature quiff and I was ready.

I hadn't filmed anything for a while but I took my camera with me so I could film somethings at the dinner and party. "Come on let's go!" I told the other two when I came out of the bathroom.

We chatted as we walked down to the reception. As normal we were the last ones to arrive and the taxi's were already waiting for us all. I got in one with Louise, Zoe, Alfie, Tanya, Jim, Joe, Caspar, Marcus and Nimbobs. Joey, Tyler, Troye, Connor and a few others took another.

It took around 15 minuets to get to the restaurant but once we were there it was amazing. I took out my camera and started to fim. I didn't speak over it as I was going to put music over the top but everyone was saying 'wow'.

It was dimly lit with lots of drapes and fairy lights. Over on one wall was a college of old pictures and awards that they had won it wasn't the biggest but it was cozy. Tyler did well choosing it!

We all sat at a massive table, that took up about half of the room, and looked at the menus. I ordered a classic margarita pizza and a beer. While we waited for our orders everyone sat around talking about our meet ups and main stage performances.

"I'm before Four Direction! There are going to be loads more people in the audience than normal!" I stressed.

"Surely that's a good thing though! You will probably get more subscribers." Alfie reasoned.

"You have a point."

"Anyway how did your chat with Styles go?" Jim asked.

"Well I-I think he came out to me." I was still so confused about what happened.

"Are you sure?" No one seemed to believe me.

"Yeah! He told me he had those yellow shorts that drive me mad, told me he wasn't a womaniser like everyone said he was then when I asked if he was gay he told me not to use that word.. Oh and he kissed me right behind my ear. It took everything in me not to moan!" They all seemed shocked.

"I wouldn't let people call me 'Gay' when I first realised I was gay. He defiantly came out to you." Troye told us.

"See." I gloated.

"You may be right but why would he come out to you? What else did he say?" Marcus asked.

"He said he like my videos a lot and that the boys used to take the mic of him likening my videos so much but they don't anymore."

"He likes you." Tyler interrupted.

"You think?" I wasn't sure.

"Yeah! I may be single but I know when someone wants to get with you." He had a point. He was my friend that was always single but gave the best relationship advice. "Just don't push him on the gay front."

Not long after our conversation ended our food arrived. It all looked amazingly delicious.

We continued to chat about random things to do with YouTube until we were finished. We didn't have dessert as there was always food and treats at the Vidcon party's.

We shared the bill then ordered more taxis to take us back to the hotel. The party was in one of the function rooms of the hotel so we could drink as much as we wanted then stumble into the lift to take us to our rooms.

We got back to the hotel and most of the girls went upstairs to touch-up their makeup and hair while all of us guys went straight to the party. There were guards on the door. They took our names then let us in.

I walked up to the bar with Joe and Caspar to grab some beers for us three then we joined the others chatting in a group.

After about an hour of being at the party one of the Vidcon staff announced that Four Direction would be playing any second.

I rushed over to the stage trying to find Harry before he went onto the stage. "Harry!" I called, he was warming up his voice.

He looked over towards me and when he saw it was me he smiled and walked over to me. "Hii Lou!" He seemed to have forgotten what happened earlier.

"Can I speak to you? Like after your performance?" I had a beer in me but I was nowhere near drunk.

"Yeah sure I-" He was going to continue but he was called onto the stage by Paul.

"I'll speak to you in a minute." He jogged up onto the stage where the other three were standing.

I went back over to the gang and the girls had now joined us. If I'm honest they all looked exactly the same. I will never get girls.

The boys set was longer than expected. They did a few covers of songs in the charts and of course lots of their own music. It was like Up All Night Tour all over again!

Four Directione kept getting given drinks and beers and were getting quite drunk.. I think everyone was getting drunk though. I had been given shot after shot by Caspar. He was insistent on getting me drunk I sware.

I grabbed Tyler and ran into the middle of the room and started to dance.

Once the boys came off stage Harry instantly ran over to find me. "Lou Lou!!" He started to laugh. He was defiantly drunk.

"Harryyy!" I giggled. "Dance with me!" I beamed and he agreed. I don't know where Tyler went but by the time Harry was grinding on me he was no where in sight. I didn't really mind as it was a bit more than just dancing.

I was getting turned on..


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Okay so chapter 7 will be in another book as it changed the whole book to R rated. It is very smutty.. You don't have to read it if you don't want to or can't be bothered to go change books (I understand) but it is there if you want.

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