Chapter 19

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** Harry's POV **

My phone pinged so I grabbed it off the flip down table. I looked at the screen and it was Louis. We had agreed to talk once I got off the plane so I was kind of worried.

I opened the message and it was telling me not to check social media. Obviously that made me curious. Liam was sat on the chair opposite with his laptop on his lap typing something so I asked him what was going on. "Liam what is going on on Twitter?"

"I don't think you will want to know. Plus Louis is trying to sort it out. Please don't worry about it." He pleased but I couldn't just leave it.

"No Liam tell me." I push him to tell me.

"You won't like it if I tell you." He

"Liam." I raise my voice slightly.

"It's easier if I show you." Then he showed me two tweets. It felt like all the air in my system was knocked out of me. My tummy started to tighten. I felt sick. This can't be happening.

"W-why did s-she." My breath is coming out at a rapid pace. "Wh-what did Louis say?!" I need to know.

I read the tweet from Louis 'Ever joked about wanting to kiss someone because they made your day? Yah. It was that. Sorry to disappoint.' In a way I was happy he denied the rumours but at the same time I feel kind of disappointed. I don't know why because if he had told the truth I would have gone crazy at him.


Too much has happened this weekend. All I want to do is go home and warp myself in my duvet. Then my mind tells me I want Louis there next to me. Okay I will admit I want Louis there.

"Harry!" Liam shouts.

"What?" I ask him. He shouted so loud the whole crew looked round at us...

"You blanked out. Are you okay?" He sounded worried about me.

"I guess. I mean we did kiss, multiple times, but I didn't think anyone would find out otherwise I wouldn't have done it!" I tell the man who has been there for me since we met at boot camp.

"I know you wouldn't have. It will pass. Like with all rumours, it will stick around for a few hours or maybe even a day or so then it will fade."

"Your right. I'm going to text Louis." I grab my phone again and message him back.

To Louis: I have seen. I'm not going to say anything but thanks for defending us.

To Harry: It's okay I knew you would see it eventually and I didn't want you to get upset by it. I had to do something. X

To Louis: I wish you were with me.. I need a hug and for once Liam's hug just won't do. X

To Harry: Well do you want to come over when you get back? I don't have a sofa is he only problem. We will have to cuddle in bed 😏xx

To Louis: I don't mind. 😏 Xx

To Harry: I will text you my address when you get back to the UK xx

Even when he's half way across the world Louis can still put my nerves to rest. I love that about him.

"What are you smiling about?" Zayn raised an eyebrow. He was sat on the other side of the plane to me and Liam with Niall.

"Talking to Louis. I'm going round his when we get to England." I answered him.

"You and him are very close and it has only been a weekend. You normally have to know someone a while before opening up to them. What's different about Louis?" Niall asked me. He had a point. I only opened up to the boys once I had known them a few weeks.

"It's because I watched his YouTube and got to know him through there. Plus it felt like we were already close because he knew so much about me and I knew so much about him." We were friends but had never spoken or met.

"It's weird how you can feel so close to someone yet never meet or speak to them." Liam spoke up. "Like us and our fans I suppose."

After that the conversation went quite because we were all deep in thought.

In a way we were always talking to our fans on Twitter and at concerts but we hardly ever got time to sit and chat.

Okay with some of our fans we couldn't sit and chat because they would be screaming and crying and just being an average FanGirl but with other fans, the calmer ones, are so kind and down to earth I would love to sit and have lunch with and find out about them.

It's not long before I'm falling asleep and when I wake Andy is tapping me on the shoulder telling me that were about to land and I needed to put my seat belt on.

Once I have I send Louis a text asking for his address and he sends me a reply almost instantly.

We land with a bit of a bounce and then were ushered into the airport building by security.

Once I have finished saying my goodbyes to the boys I hop into my assigned car but before the driver started the car I told him the different address.

I walked up the steps to Louis apartment and rung the doorbell. I couldn't believe I was actually going to go into his new house!

He hadn't uploaded any videos from this house yet and before I met him I was hoping to see a house tour video but now I can have a house tour in person!

Okay my inner FanGirl is coming out now..

"Oops." I say as I look up to see Louis giving me a weird look.

"Hi." Louis smiles at me and laughs slightly.

"Get in here you." He pulls me in for a bone crunching hug then leads me into his furnitureless apartment.


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#HappyAnniversaryLarry 💘

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