Chapter 26

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** Louis' POV **

We walked into the, fairly empty, candle lit room. It looked amazing. The waitress sat us down and handed us two menus.

"Thank you." Harry gave her one of his bedazzling smiles then she left.

I glanced around the cave like room. The candelabra on the table looked extremely old and gothic but still incredibly romantic. The table was covered with a crisp white table sheet and some of the poshest, most expensive silver cutlery I have ever used!

"This place is beautiful Harry!" I continued to look around and there was Douglas Booth and a lady I had never seen before but she was gorgeous. He had his hand over hers and they looked extremely loved up!

"Oh look there's Cara!" Harry smiled at Cara Delevingne as she walked into the large room. She smiled back and walked over to us with a very pretty younger lady following her.

"Hi Barry!" She smirked.

"Hi Nala!" He scowled back.

"So is this the boy toy you were talking about the other day?" She asked Harry then turned to me and said

"Hi I'm Cara." She then stuck out her hand for me to shake, which I did.

"Yes this is Louis but I didn't say he was my boy toy. You know what I said." Harry shot back.

"Yeah well you said he was good in bed." She laughed.

"Piss off Cara." I could tell there was a bit of friendly banta between the. So I didn't think that much of it.

She finally rolled her eyes, said goodbye then walked off, hand in hand with her date for the night.

"Sorry about her. We're good friends really." We both laughed at his response.

A few minutes later the waitress came back and asked us what we wanted to eat and drink. We both ordered then she left again.

Me and Harry were chatting for a while then Harry paused for a moment.

"Louis I was wondering. Would you like to come with me and the boys to America? We're only going for a few weeks. We will be staying in LA, in my house. Me and the boys will have to do a bit of promoting but not much. I think Liam said Sophia would be coming so you wouldn't be alone. You could go down the beach, go shopping. Of course we will be together so we could go on dates and-" Harry rambled trying to convince me to come.

"Harry, Harry, Harry. I'll come." I put my hands on both sides of his face over the table then kissed him square on the lips. He hummed into the kiss then a voice spoke nervously.

"Uh, sorry to interrupt but your food is here." Harry jumped back slightly and blushed. I on the other hand giggled.

"Sorry." We said in unison.

The beautiful plates were placed in front of us both and we started to eat. As Harry took his first bite he moaned.

"This is so good."

"Harold. Save those sounds of pleasure for me." I scolded him sarcastically.

"But this food is orgasmic!" He said with his mouth full of his third bite.

"Calm down you'll choke!" I laughed taking a bit of my food.

"Like you were on my c*ck this morning?" Harry sassed and I began to choke but soon regained my composure.

"HARRY!" I gasped and he laughed. "You can't say things like that in public!"

"Oh well. In here no one cares." He smirked.

We ate until everything was gone while muttering a few words to each other as we ate. Harry was right when he said the food was orgasmic. I wolfed my meal down into time but soon regretted it. I felt stuffed!

"Would you like desserts? You look a bit stuffed!" The waitress asked. In the few times that she had come over, to ask us if things were okay or if we wanted anything else with our meal, we had grown to be quite friendly.

"I don't think I could eat a whole dessert!" Harry denied.

"Um, could we get some cheesecake to share?" I suggested to Harry.

"Yeah that would be good." He smiled.

"I just need the toilet. Would you mind showing me?" I asked the waitress and she lead me the way.

Once we got to the toilets I stopped her. "Do you think on the desert you could somehow put the question 'Will you be my boyfriend?'"

"I will see what I can do! Your such a romantic!" She smiled then left me.

** Harry's POV **

When Louis came back from the toilet he smiled. "I'm looking forward to going to America again! It feels like I was just there yesterday but it was like a month ago!"

"I'm glad. I'm afraid the other boys will be staying at my house too but that's normally a laugh."

"You will just have to be quiet when I'm doing you." Once those words left Louis' mouth my jaw dropped.

"Oh so you can say things like that but I can't?!" He smirked and raised an eyebrow. I simply shot him evils.

Our waitress appeared out of no where with a plate in her hand and placed it down in front of me. I was about to tell her that it was for both of us but then I read what was written in the dusting of icing sugar.

'Will You Be My Boyfriend?'

I gave Louis a 'You shouldn't have' look and then nodded yes. "Yes. Of course I will be your boyfriend Louis." The waitress clapped and I got up and walked to the other side of the table. I sat down on Louis' knee and kissed him.

"Your incredible Louis." I mumbled against his lips.

We pulled apart and rested our foreheads together. "No you're incredible Harry." We then nuzzled our noses together in an Eskimo kiss and giggled.


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