Chapter 20

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** Louis' POV **

The week had passed pretty quickly. I had a brilliant evening of cuddling with H on the Sunday, all my furniture arrive on the Monday, On Tuesday I spent the day unpacking, Wednesday Harry came over after a day at the studio and he gave me a massage because my back hurt from unpacking and I would by lying if I said I didn't get painfully hard and had to have a quick jerk off in the toilet, Harry stayed over that night and left Thursday morning but agreed to help sit Darcy with me over the weekend then I spent Friday relaxing.

It was now Saturday morning and I was waiting for my two favourite people to arrive. Harry said he would be round around 11:00 AM and Louise and Matt were bringing Darcy over at 10:00 AM.

It was just past 9:00 AM so I decided to go over to my computer and play a bit of Sims 4 until my guests arrived. When I sat down in my computer chair I noticed my camera on my desk.

Today will be fun but it's a simple day at home. I know my 'Tommo's', as I call them, always say they love my vlogs even if it's a simple day at home and I know they will love to see Darcy and they would freak out if they saw Harry! I just want to check with Harry that it's okay. I don't want to force him to be in my vlog if he doesn't want to be.

"Hi guys. I'm not sure how much of today I'm going to film but I have some guests coming over today and I'm not sure if they will be okay with being vlogged so we will see! Anyway right now I have about an hour till Louise and Matt bring Darcy over for the weekend, as their going out for their anniversary and have asked if I could look after her, so for now I'm going to play some Sims 4 and maybe record it for a video for you guys." I turned off my camera then turned on my computer and started to play my game.

I ended up filming 2 new Sims 4 videos for my series then I quickly ran to the window as I heard a car pull up and as I had predicted it was Louise and co! I bolted out the door, quickly grabbing my keys before slamming the door closed SOO could go greet them at the complex entrance.

"Hello!!" I beamed at the family of three. Darcy instantly ran up to me and hugged me when she saw me.

"Lou Lou!" She smiled. Her baby teeth shining bright.

"Hello love!" She let go and I picked her up. "Let's go up to my new flat. You have your own room!" I then said hello to Louise and Matt and told them to follow me up to my new apartment.

"Oh Darcy I have someone coming round later. Have you heard of Four Direction?" I asked her once we were all sat on my sofas.

"You love Four Direction don't you Darcy!" Matt had Darcy on his lap and her eyes lit up.

"Harry Styles from Four Direction is coming round. Mummy and me met him and the rest of 4D at VidCon! Me and Harry are friends now." She started to bounce up and down on Matt's lap and squealing.

To say she was excited was an understatement.

After a bit of chatting Louise and Matt left and it was just me and Darcy. I showed her the room she was staying in, or as I told her, 'Darcy's room' for when she stays.

I helped her unpack her bag into the set of draws in the corner of the room and by the time we had finished that it was dot on 11:00 AM and the door bell rang. I looked down at Darcy.

"That should be Harry!" We linked hands and walked over to the door.

I opened it and Harry looked incredible. His hair was loose and messy, just how I like it, he had on incredibly tight black jeans and a white t-shirt with a thin jacket on over the top. His smile was beautiful and made his emerald eyes light up, he was smiling with his eyes.

"Hi." He both said at the same time. It was like we were in a trance of each others beauty.

"You two are silly!" Darcy giggled and snapped us both out of our imaginary spell.

Her laugh was so contagious we both started to giggle too. I pulled Harry in for a hug quickly but he wrapped his arm around my waist to stop me pulling back. "I've missed you." He whispered in my ear before pulling away.

"You saw me yesterday morning." I joked.

"The boys were teasing me about you though." He pouted and I just wanted to kiss him but i knew my urges had to wait till Darcy wasn't a around. I couldn't corrupt her. Louise and Matt would never forgive me!

"So who's this little princess then?!" Harry bent down to Darcy's level and started to play with one of her platinum blonde ringlets.

"This is Darcy. She really likes Four Direction. She wants to marry you all!" I knew she would giggle and react.

"No silly! I want to marry Prince Charming!" She rolled her eyes and put her hand on her him sassily.

"You have a good point! He's much better that one of my band! We're smelly and gross!" She laughed again at Harry and so did I.

I knew he was good with children but this just makes my heart melt!

"So what do you two want to do?" I asked as I lead them into the living room.

"PLAY PRINCESSES!!" Darcy screamed.. "Me and Harry are the princesses and you are our prince!"

And what Darcy wanted Darcy got.

All she had to do was flutter her eyelashes.


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