Chapter 33

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** Harry's POV **

"I have an idea." I smirked.

Me and Louis were home alone, Liam and Sophia were at the beach, Niall was playing golf and Zayn had gone to meet some friends. Everyone would be out for the day and it was 11AM. I had kind of planned a date day for us both but Louis didn't know a thing.

"Harry I'm not in the mood to shove my dick up your ass." Louis rolled his eyes as I opened the door to our bedroom.

"We're not doing that you dumb ass! I want to go into town. Just us two, no body guard hovering over us and most importantly no management telling us we can't go out together." I said.

"Well we will get caught. You're not exactly unnoticeable." I rolled my eyes.

"But we will be if we dress up." I pulled out a fake moustache and a pair of geek glasses.

"I thought you said in interviews you never dressed up." Louis raised an eyebrow.

"yeah well I lied." I chuckled slightly before grabbing some clothes that I had borrowed *cough* stolen *chough* from the other boys.

"Isn't that Zayns coat? And those are Liam's trousers." Louis asked.

"You really are our little stalker aren't you." I smirked.

"I stay at home most days filming and editing videos. I don't have much to do so why not do some research on my favourite band?" Louis laughed and I laughed with him.

"Well they are their clothes and we're wearing them because we're going undercover!" I then made a 'gun' with my hands and then pretended to shoot Louis.

"Gahhhh!" Louis shouted and pretended to die.

"Yes! Finally I can take over his YouTube and convert the world to Directioners! Mwhaha!" I joked and Louis got up off of the floor almost crying with laughter.

We got changed into the clothes then put on the glasses and moustaches on and it was a strange sight to say the least.

"I might grab my GoPro so I can record this for next weeks video!" Louis ran over to his suitcase and grabbed out the tiny camera before attaching it to his coat.

We drove out of the house and luckily there wasn't any paps. It would blow our cover if they got photos and posted them.

We sang at the tops of our voices to every song that came on the radio, even when Night Changes came on.

"I used to think you were a really good singer but I'm starting to think it's all auto tune." Louis smirked when the dick jockey started to talk again. Safe to say I hadn't hit all the notes perfectly but they weren't exactly bad as such.

"Hey! I think you will find the recording people use the least auto tune on me!" I protested but Louis just laughed.

"You keep telling yourself that Styles." Louis laughed and I pouted.

"What happened to Prince Charming?!"

"I prefer Styles." He smirked.

"Well no kisses or sex for you then." If I wasn't I would have crossed my arms and turned away from him.

"NO! Your my Prince Charming! I love you lots and lots!" He reached over across the central control and kissed my cheek and neck all over.

"Regrettably I forgive you." I muttered and rolled my eyes.

It didn't take us long to get into the town centre and find a parking space as it was still kind of early.

We decided to get an early lunch so Harry took me down a few winding streets to a tiny café. It only had four tables and two of which were filled.

It was the size of a small classroom and had a small window and door on the far end wall; they lead to the kitchen.

"Table for two?" Harry asked the lady who was in a pinny and carried a tray.

"Of corse. Sit where you want, menus will be on the table and I will be over in a minute." She smiled brightly and ran back into the kitchen. She was only young. 17 maybe?

I wanted most things on the menu but I ended up ordering Nutella pancakes as I hadn't had them in so long but Louis went for something healthy and ordered fruit salad pancakes.

We ate our pancakes in a happy silence and every-so-often we fed each other a fork full of our food.

When Louis and I finished I paid the bill and then we left.

"So what do you want to do?" Louis asked me. I thought for a moment then decided.

"Let's do a meet up!" Louis looked at me with a doubtful expression.

"I don't want a mad rush.."

"Well if we make a quick video on your phone or something of us so so they can't see where we are just tell them were in the town somewhere then they can try and find us!" I told him.

"That's actually a good idea for once! Well done Styles!" He smirked knowing I hated the nickname.

"Let's not start that again. Now come on get your phone out and tell people!" I folded my arms.

The first person to arrive was a young girl, probably around 14. She came with her mum and told us that they were in town on a mummy daughter day and she saw the video and knew she would have to find us!

We had photos and chatted for a few minutes before more people joined us.

It didn't take long for a fairly big crowd to develop and it was quite surprising that no one was fighting or arguing for our attention. Of course everyone wanted photos and to talk to us but they were staying calm about it which was good because we didn't need security.

We took photos and chatted and after a while there was a lot of people. Like over 1000! My mind drifted to the one thing I had been putting off.

"Louis should I do it?" I whispered to him.

"Do what?" He asked.

"Tell them. About us." He looked cautious.

"Are you sure? What about your management?" I knew he wanted me to think it though properly but i had made up my mind. I was going to do it!"

"Could everyone listen up for a minute please?" I asked. I stood on a bench so they could all see them I motioned for Louis to get up with me.

"Everyone film this." I told them even though most of the fans and a few passers by were already.

"I am gay. I am in love with Louis Tomlinson and if you don't like it fuck you!" I put my hands on Louis face then leaned in and kissed him. He instantly kissed back and 99% of the fans screamed in joy.

I didn't have to hide anymore. I could be me.


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