Chapter 35

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Vidcon a year later

** Louis' POV **

"Oh come on Louis! get you glad rags on we're all heading out! Apparently Tyler knows a bar not far from here and it has karaoke! If we're back before it ends we will go to the party in the hotel too!" Louise tried to convince me to go out with everyone but I really didn't want to.

Today was a year exactly since me and Harry hooked up. It was a year and a day since me and Harry first met. But I still hadn't heard from him! Okay I get he has a busy touring schedule and time zones and shit but this weekend is kind of important and he was ignoring me!

"For the fifth time Louise! No! I'm not in the mood!" I complained.

The last time I had heard from Harry was four days ago. He had sent me a text saying 'Missing You x' but when I texted back saying 'Skype? X' it came back as 'Read at 7:42PM'

I was not happy.

"Your just upset because your husband is ignoring you." She huffed and applied another swipe of powder.

Why she was doing her makeup in my room, I have no clue.

"You would be worried if Matt hadn't texted you in four days." I insisted.

"A. We're no longer together and 2. He didn't go on tour." She rolled her eyes. "You need to get used to this. He's a hot shot pop star who will have days when he can't text you."

"Harry has texted me everyday for five months then all of a sudden he stops. You would be in floods of tears right now if you were me!" She stayed quite as she knew I was right.

"Well then, I will leave you to your pity party. If you cheer up you can come and join me and the gang." With that she put on her sparkly heels and left my room.

I sighed. Now I was alone. Harry was off galavanting round the world somewhere, all my friends were out on the lash and I was here. In a semi-comfortable bed, in joggers and Harry's top, with my laptop on my lap and trying to edit a new video.

It's not that I wasn't happy with my life, the opersit even, I love my life beyond words but it was times like this that made me want to have a normal job, a normal boyfriend an a normal life.

It was amazing that I would be flown out in first class to stay in a 5* hotel with and meet all my viewers but it sure get lonely when you had to leave you loved one.

The thing with You Tubers was that most of us dated fellow You Tubers or people who had normal jobs and would be there waiting at home for us to get home but Harry could be anywhere in the world right now and that was a thought that made me feel uneasy.

Lots of people would try to hit on him when he went out and they wouldn't care that he had a boyfriend or that he was, hopefully madly in lo-

*knock knock*

My thoughts were interrupted by two knocks that came from the door. I groaned and got up to open the door and when I did it was a man in a suit.

"Mr Tomlinson am I correct?" He asked. It was like something out of Men In Black! He had a full on black suit with slick hair, sunglasses and an ear piece.

"Uh.. Who's wanting to know?" I asked.

"Me. If you are Mr Tomlinson please get your bags and come with me. I have a private jet waiting to take you to Belize. Sirs orders." I had never heard of the place.

"Is it a joke?" I checked before I made any rash decisions.

"No I have been sent by-" he glanced down to read something from his hand "Prince Charming." That's when I screamed. I jumped up and down and for the first time in those long four days I smiled a genuinely happy smile.

"I will be two seconds." I grabbed everything I could and shoved it into my suit case not caring about how messy and crumpled everything would be.

Once I thought I had everything I slid my room key under Louise's door and left her a note asking to check for anything I had left and that I would tell her why later.

I was lead to the plane which was parked in the clear open space of the park across from the hotel. Once I was seated we took off. I had no clue how long the flight would take so I closed my eyes and decided to sleep.

When I was woken up it was but the harsh voice of the MIB person who met me at my door. I still didn't know his name.

He lead me out of the plane and onto the sand of a beach. Once my eyes had adjusted to the bright light I saw a rounded beach with a few huts dotted along.

"Welcome to our island my beaut." The familiar rough yet smooth like chocolate voice of my boyfriend was the only other sound to the voice of the waves. "Take Louis' things and the food to the hut and then you may leave." Harry told the man.

I turned around to see the most perfect sight I had seen for months. Harry was stood in those bright yellow shorts with his hair up in a bun and a flower garland was draped around his neck.

I smiled and ran up to him. I never wanted to let go. I finally had him back in my arms, where he belonged. I moved my face from the crook of his neck to in front of his and crashed my lips onto his.

This was my oxygen. This is what I lived for. I needed Harry. I needed to be held in his arms even if that meant being squished till I couldn't breath. I had to have this boy with me forever.

"Come on. Let's get you into something a little less comfortable." Harry smirked and looked me up and down. Okay I was still in my pyjamas but who cares.

"Can't I just strip and walk around naked? It is a private island right?" I asked.

Harry raised his eyebrows "no because I would be begging you to fuck me anytime I looked at you."

"Well that wouldn't be such a bad thing." I looked innocently up at Harry.

"Later baby." He reached down and groped my cock before walking away towards one of two shacks.

"You will pay for that!" I ran and jumped onto his back but luckily he caught me before we fell.

There was something about being with Harry that made it all that more special. It wasn't that we were in such an amazing place or that he surprised me with it or anything it was just the fact that- actually, I don't know.

I think it was the worldwide mystery we call love.

The End


Hello! I hope liked the ending! Everyone that I have asked has said how fluffy and cute it is! I was thinking of doing a smut with what happened that evening so if you would like to read that comment or vote!

I would like to tell you that my good friend Nina has translated this book into Spanish! It's in the reading list called 'My Books'

Lastly thank you so much for all the support everyone has given me! ❤️

I am planning a new book at the moment and I hope to post that in the not so distant future! ☺️

Love you all! Goodbye! X

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