Chapter 27

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** Harry's POV **

Two weeks and a day had passed and me and Louis had been inseparable to say the least! Louis had been staying round mine all week and only going back to his for clothes.

"Louis you do know we go to America tonight. Why haven't you packed yet? We're going for like two weeks, you will need a fair amount of clothes and things." I rolled my eyes as he sat on my bed editing a video.

"Yeah well we can go to my flat like an hour before we need to go to the airport to get my things. Or I could buy stuff like clothes out there. We're going to America not Uganda." Louis sassed.

"If you don't go home and pack I will get Andy to come and remove you from my house." I put my hands on my hips trying to look serious but it didn't really work.

"Andy's a teddy bear."

"Okay then you will have to stay in a separate room to me when we get to America and you can have the room next to the one Sophia and Liam as they are at it like rabbits and their not exactly quiet about it either." I smiled evilly at him and he looked horrified.

"Okay I'm going I'm going but I may call you begging for help with packing as I am the worst packer ever!" Then Louis ran out the room with his MacBook and IPhone in hand.

I laughed at his stupidity.


As he had warned I got a call not even an hour later from Louis begging me to help him pack.

"Didn't your mum ever teach you to pack?" I asked him when he opened his flat door for me.

"Yes but I never listened because I thought I would never move out! I thought my mum would always be there to do it for me." He pouted.

"Poor Lou poo." I patted his head twice then walked past him into the apartment.

Somehow I ended up packing for Louis while he did a Q&A on Twitter.

I did find some funny things in his wardrobe though! A few funny items of clothing like boxers with the butt missing and a top that said 'I Love C*ck.' and a few other things which I really wish I hadn't found.

Louis packed the last few things that he wanted to bring but I hadn't put in the suitcase then he came over and hugged me. "Thank you." He whispered into the crook of my neck.

"I only do it because I love you." I kissed the top of his head then my words registered in my head and Louis looked up at me curiously.

"I don't know where that come from." I defeated myself in case he didn't quite love me back.

"No,don't apologise. I think I'm starting to love you too."

"I'm glad." He looked deep into my eyes then quickly pressed his lips to mine. The kiss was slow yet full of the love we had just confessed for each other.

We parted from the kiss but stayed in each others arms for a few minutes till My phone went off.

I glanced over at it to see it was the cab driver saying that he was outside.

"Come on Prince Charming. The cabs waiting for us outside." I tapped him on the bum and he pulled away to grab his suitcase off of the bed and take it downstairs.

Once both Louis and I's suitcases were in the car we got in and got on our way to the airport.

It didn't take long to get there as the traffic wasn't that bad but once we did arrive we saw countless fans and paparazzi. "Shit." Louis mumbled.

"Louis keep your heads down and walk as fast as you can, Harry wave to a few fans then follow Louis and I. We will bring your bags to you." Andy told us once he opened the door of the car. We followed his instructions and made it into the airport safely.

** Louis' POV **

I followed the big, buff security guards, who surrounded me, through the doors into the airport. They lead me down a few corridors then into a room with the other members of Four Direction and Sophia, Liam's girlfriend, in.

"Hey Louis!" Zayn got up off the sofa and pulled me in for a bro hug.

"Hey Zayn! How's it going?" I said hello to everyone and gave Sophia a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"It's nice to finally meet you! Liam told me how happy Harry has been recently now he has you!" She smiled a bright kind smile.

I blushed and replied with a thank you just as Harry walked in.

He walked up to me and was about to wrap his arms around my waist when a shrill voice rang out. "Harry I need to speak to you please!" It was Kattarina, the lady from management who told Harry he couldn't wear the jumper I gave to him out.

"I'm saying hello to my friends and my boyfriend." He fired back.

"Well you won't be able to spend time alone with Lewis in America. I just want to tell you that you have to be seen with a girl called Nadine while out there." She pulled Harry away from me as she told him.

"What if I don't want to." He replied sounding quite pissed off.

"You have to. You have no choice." She then walked off to talk to some other man who looked important.

"But I want to take you out on a date. I know a quaint little restaurant I would take you to." He hid his face in my shoulder and placed his hands on my waist. His thumb slipped under my top and started to rub my hip. I sighed at the relaxing feeling.

"Harry mate, if it makes you feel any better I'm not aloud to take Sophia out. Apparently I can't 'rub it in the fans faces.'" He used his finger to make air quotes.

"I get that but at least you don't have to see another person and act all romantic with them." Liam nodded understanding that it must be hard for Harry and me.

"I'm going to make that woman regret ever making you feel so small and so shitty." I turned my head and kissed Harry's cheek.

"We will all make sure of it." Niall said locking his phone and putting it back in his pocket.


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