Chapter 34

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** Harry's POV **

Safe to say the America trip was cut short.

The second management caught wind of what happened in that park they told Louis and I to pack our bags and fly back to the UK ASAP.

Louis was worried about what they would say but I couldn't care less. Me and the boys could find another management if Modest! dropped us and I could go to the press about how homophobic they were towards me. They wouldn't want that because their sales would drop and other artists would leave them and find other managers.

Whatever happened I would still have my LouBoo and my boys.

When we got home from our date / meet up / whatever the fuck that was we decided to cook dinner then spend the night on the roof in a blow up paddling pool with loads of duvets and pillows. It was so much fun!

And the many orgasms were mind blowing!

Me and Louis had decided that we were going to make a video on his YouTube answering a few questions and clearing things up so that everyone was clear about our relationship. We had decided that I would be in some of Louis vlogs but we wouldn't put everything about us on the internet like Zalfie and Janya do as we could end up like Lush and braking up.

Neither of us could deal with a brake up that publicly!

The second we stepped off the plane we were ushered into an awaiting car. Thousands of flashes we're going off and questions were shouted at us both, even a few unkind words. I tried to not listen to them but the simple syllables burned deep in the pit of my stomach.

Louis notices how uneasy I was and put his hand on my thigh. "Don't worry. There's bound to be people who say horrible things but you learn to brush it off." He leaned over and kissed my lips quickly.

I asked Andy to take our bags to my house once he had dropped us off. I wanted to be close to Louis as he was the only person who really understood what I was going through.

I held tightly onto Louis hand as we walked up to the familiar office. If I'm honest I was shitting myself but, when we entered the room to see three scowling faces, I tried not to show it.

"Louis we won't need you. Please leave." Kattarina spoke in her normal bitchy tone.

"No he is here or I leave too." I fired back. I couldn't do this without Louis here. I would crack and brake and Kattarina thrives on braking people down.

"Fine. Take a seat boys." Jack on the end of the row told us both.

** Louis' POV **

"I'm going to have to cut to the point. If this coming tour and album don't sky rocket, we will have to drop you. We have no choice. The two of you being together could bring our company bad press."

"Your going to get more than bad press! We could go to the press and tell them how homophobic your company has been to my boyfriend." I glared at them.

"But if your boyfriend wants to keep his job he won't." Kattarina fired back.

"Newsflash. If you drop One Direction from your management there will be loads of companies who will offer them jobs!" I folded my arms and leaned back in my chair. "I may even start my own management company." I smirked.

"Well we're not going to make any rash decisions." One of the men said, I didn't know their names.

"Good." The meeting continued with Harry's management telling him things like interviews that he had to do and he had to give a statement and things.

"Okay now I think me and my boyfriend will leave and make out in the back of the van home." All three made a grim expression but let us go.


"So Harry, what made you decide to finally come out?" Dan Wootton asked.

A week had passed since the whole coming out issue. I hadn't left the house at all but I had made a video with Louis explaining everything. Management were happy I did it and it went viral.

"It was a spur of the moment thing but I had been planning on coming out for a few weeks. I am finally comfortable with myself and Louis helped a lot with that." I was sat opposite Dan doing my first interview on the subject and before I came in here I was terrified. When Dan sat me down though he told me if I didn't want to answer anything I didn't have to and he wouldn't push me for anything.

"You have come to terms with yourself? What do you mean by that?" He inquired.

"I knew before I had met Louis that I was gay but I didn't think it was right. I was fine with other people being gay but Modest! Management were putting thoughts in my mind. They were telling me that it was wrong for young impressionable fans to look up to a gay man. It was heart breaking to know that I wouldn't be aloud to fall in love with someone I truly loved but at the time I thought it was true. I then met Louis at VidCon, a YouTube conference, at the start of the year and we spoke a bit and became close and he showed me that I could fall in love with my own gender and, even though I couldn't tell the world, I was happier than ever! I was going to come out even if management said no." I told him honestly. Dan was nodding along and taking notes of what I said.

"You have had some big problems with your management haven't you?" He read off his sheet of paper.

"Yes. Please feel free to quote me on this, Modest! Management are homophobic. They wouldn't let me come out as it was 'bad press' Kattarina Walker would gag, make snarky comments and be plain out rude to me at any chance she had. It was like it was he mission in life to make me know I was a worthless piece of shit. She reduced me to tears on many occasions." Dan seemed shocked at the information but wrote it down word for word anyway.

"So what do you what are you and the rest of Four Directions plans now then?"

"Well I think after my last answer we will be looking for a new management but we're going to tour soon which were all looking forward to but I don't know if I will be able to bring Louis so that could be a bit upsetting."

It wasn't long till before the interview was wrapped up and I was aloud to go back to my house. When I got there it was getting late and Louis was dozing on the couch while watching repeats of Gavin and Stacy. He had my pink fluffy 'her' blanket draped over him.

I don't think even a child of three months could even be that cute!

I quietly slipped off my boots and coat then I lay down behind Louis on the sofa with my arm around his waist.

"Love you LouBoo. Without you I would probably be crying myself to sleep right now. Without you I would be a depressed she'll of myself. You keep me as me and for that I will be forever grateful." I placed a soft kiss on the back of Louis neck then joined him in the world of dreams.


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