Chapter 5

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** Harry'sPOV **

We played a few songs like John and Hank had asked us to. Everyone was up dancing and having a good time! I recognized a few people from videos I had seen on YouTube before but I still hadn't spotted him.

As I scanned the crowd I spotted him. The boy I had been crushing on since the fans first told me to watch him.


Louis Tomlinson.

When our management team first told us that we would be playing at Vidcon I got so excited! I was praying that I would meet him and then I saw the time table and found out he was going to do his main stage performance before ours.

All the boys knew about my obsession with him but I knew for a fact he didn't or he wouldn't have said half the things about me in his videos!

It did make me laugh though.

I didn't realize I was staring at him until Liam noted on it. "Okay H. We all know you love Tommo91's videos but there's no need to stare at him." The crowd laughed.

"His name's Louis actually." Louis eyes went massive as he heard me say his name. "I would love to speak to you at some point. You seem really nice in your videos." I blushed as complimented him and he did the same.

All of his friends around him cheered things like 'Get in there Lou!' or 'Mate you might have a chance!"

"Sure!" He agreed. I couldn't believe I was going to meet him. I wasn't even this excited to meet David Beckham!

But then again I can't even kick a ball...

We chatted to the ordinance for a while before Hank gave us the signal to wrap it up. It was nice to know I would be surrounded by people like this all weekend, they all seemed incredibly friendly and talented!

** Louis' POV **

Once all of the songs and chatting was over and we all knew that Four Direction were the surprise everyone started to file out, except me obviously.

Harry wanted to talk to me. He watched my videos and wanted to talk. Was that another word for the D? I hoped so and Tyler seemed to think so.

Even though Harry hadn't came out as gay or even bi, he had been hinting at it in a lot of interviews recently. If he had seen my videos he would definitely know I'm gay and know I had a thing for him.

Bloody hell.

I'm over complicating it.

"You guys go back to the hotel I won't be too long." I told the gang and they all took the mic of me or told me not to jump him.

I rolled my eyes and walked over to the stage where the boys were thanking Jonh and Hank.

I stood there awkwardly for a moment before Harry noticed me and smiled. "Louis!" He beamed.

"Hiii" I smiled.

"Oh come on Louis we all know you love him but your never nervous! Your always a cocky little shit!" Hank told me and everyone laughed but me who blushed and looked down.

"Come on lets go somewhere else and chat." Harry jumped off the stage and walked towards the door. I followed.

We reached an empty room and went in. "So Lou, is it okay if I call you that?"

"Yeah most of my friends do." I couldn't believe Harry was in the same room as me let alone him asking if he can shorten my name!

"I have seen loads of your videos! I love them! If I'm having a bad day or something I will go sit in a corner and watch your videos for a while. The boys take the piss but I don't mind any more"

"That's an honour! Thank you!" I replied.

"I find it quite funny when me and the boys have done something and you comment on it. Like those yellow shorts in America or Australia last year. I am truly flattered!" I went bright red when he said about that video. I had said what I would do to him in those yellow shorts.

"That's embarrassing."

"Well would this be a good time to say I brought those shorts with me?" My eyes went massive.

"What are you hinting at here?" I was so confused. He got up and waljed over to me. He bent down to his mouth was right next to my ear.

"Well Louis I'm not the womeniser everyone says I am." He placed a kiss just behind my ear making me shiver.

"Are you trying to tell me your gay?" I asked. He cringed as if those words haunted him.

"Don't use that word" He sighed.

It was like a trigger for him though. As soon an the words left his mouth a single tear ran down his face and he bolted for the door. I tried to follow him but he was gone.

Why did he have to tell me that? Yeah I was happy! It meant I had a chance. Was that why he told me?

My head was swimming with possibilities. I walked out of the room and back to my hotel room.

** Harry's POV **

I couldn't say it. I couldn't say the word. I was trying to deny the fact but it wouldn't work.

Before I could let Louis see me cry I ran. I ran and ran until I was back at my hotel room. All I could pray was Louis wouldn't tell anyone.

I knew he would probably tell people he met me but I hopped he wouldn't tell people what I had confessed.

I hated myself for being this way. There would be so many people that would hate me. I know my mum and dad would be okay with it and I knew the boys would be. The fans always went on about me getting with the boys in the band but there would also be the people that hate me.

They are the people I feared.

Once I got back to my room I collapsed onto the bed and stayed there crying till Niall came in and told me they were going to grab dinner and wondered if I wanted to join.

As soon as he saw my face he completely forgot about everything else and hugged me asking what had happened.

I could never tell him though as I couldn't even say the words.


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