47. Revenge

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Out of interest, how may of you actually read Simon Says... Or followed Leedbookie.

If you did then thank you so much :)

But I know recently that she had redone the story and is working in it now. Which in a way is good because it is a fresh start and we can all start again together, but how many of you read it.

I'm just wondering because it is one of the best books I have ever read on Wattpad. :)

Thanks guys! :) XX


Jennifer's POV

*Two Months Later*

"Are you ready?" Dad said as we sat in the car outside if school. It was my first time going back after the operation.

I nodded opening the door. Dad got out too. Everybody was walking in and I noticed Lizzie with Ryan. So they were still together. That was good.

I looked at dad and smiled. "Well, see you later." I said. Dad smiled and suddenly hugged me tightly. I hadn't hugged him like that in a long long time.

"I'll miss you all." I said sadly. Dad rubbed my back softly and said, "You'll be fine. You will come home soon."

I nodded agasint his chest and pulled away. I got my bag from the car and walked into school.

"Jen!" Lizzie called. I waved and walked over to her. She hugged me tightly and said, "I've missed you so much. Where were you?"

"Its a long story if you are willing to listen." I said. She nodded and Ryan fist bumped me.

So I told her most things, apart from Sherlock, because I wasn't ready to tell everybody. Probably not for a long time either. And I told her  the ret but decided to keep Mark anonymous. I didn't want to create any problems.

During the first lesson, English, I sat in my normal seat, avoiding conversation with a Mark at all costs. I didn't even speak to his sister. I ignored him all day until I was walking to my dorm. I walked out of the building and headed to the girls building. I was stopped on the steps as Mark walked up to me.

"Well, hello. How are you?" He asked smirking. I tried to walk around him but he grabbed my wrist and twisted it ,dragging me towards him.

"Leave me alone." I said pushing him with my free hand. He gripped my wrist harder and I thought it would snap any second from the force.

"Don't tell me what to do." He spat. "I was only doing as I was told. My brother loved you and then you had to treat him like he was a piece of shit."

"That's because he is a piece of shit." I glared. Mark grew angry and dragged me back inside the building into an empty classroom. He pushed me towards the teachers desk and held me against the desk.

"He was not a piece if shit. Thanks to you, my brother is dead." He shook me and frowned. The words came out of his mouth viciously. "He was my brother and you killed him you little bitch." He said as he slapped my cheek hard. I grabbed my cheek in shock and he still held me. "How dare you do that to him. He loved you and you had to ruin it!"

I was still shocked but tried to keep calm, however it wouldn't work. Suddenly my fist met with his face and I was surprised I could even do that. He stepped back ans realised his nose was bleeding. He looked up at me aggressively.

"You little bitch." He said walking closer to me. He dragged me and pinned me against the wall and said, "I will kill you for this."

"Mark, you don't understand. Your brother was an abusive freak and I was constantly stalked by him. And then I thought I was free because I actually thought I loved you but then of course I was wrong. You don't understand Mark. Please, stop now before you turn out like him. And where did that get him? He was killed. You don't want to be like him. Please Mark. Please." I said quickly.

His grip loosened on me and he let go. He looked down and the floor and said, "Whatever. I, erm, sorry for slapping you. Just, stay away from me from now on. Okay?" He said leaving not giving me a chance to answer. I breathed out slowly and rubbed my cheek. It was red as I looked at myself through the window. I slapped my other cheek lightly so people wouldn't talk ans left the classroom.

I walked to my dorm and as I got inside I sat on my bed and sighed.

I just hope things will be okay now.

I really, really do...

Daddy's Angel (A Jim Moriarty FanFiction) *Sequel To: The Password Is...*Where stories live. Discover now