24. Another Party?...

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Admiring him because we can haha XD :)

I found Lizzie in the library on one of the laptops. I sat next to her and peered at her screen. She was writing an essay, I think. "So, what time is curfew?" I asked noticing it was only half past four.

"6:30." She answered.

"Okay. Two hours then." I said.

"Well, two hours if your a goody two shoes. There's a party, only a small get together, in one of the boys' dorm and I think you should come. After all, its your first day you may as well get used to things around here." She said saving the document and turning the laptop off. She shut it and turned to me.

"Um, party? Um, not such a good idea for me, um..." I trailed off remembering the last time I participated in a party.

"Come on! It'll be fun. You may even meet someone and then-"

"WOAH WOAH. I have a boyfriend, remember?" I said holding my hands up.

"Yeah yeah. I remember. Soooo, will you come?" She asked.

I frowned. "Um, okay. I'll come. But if I need to leave then, I'm going." I said.

"Great." She said smiling.

The rest of the time we had until curfew we spent deciding what we'd wear. Well, Lizzie did. I had already decided within about 20 minutes but she was trying on her whole wardrobe. She had to bring a selection of clothes to my room because her room mate, Sophie, was trying to study.

"So, the red dress or the white top with the black leggings?" She asked holding both outfits up.

"I'd definitely go with the white top outfit. You don't want to be too uncomfortable." I said as I sat on my bed already in the clothes I was going to wear. I wore a pair of denim shorts and a tank top with a red plaid shirt over the top. I also had my converse shoes on.

"Great. One moment." She said going into my bathroom.

I waited about 5 minutes before she came out. If only she took that amount of time to decide what to wear instead of getting changed.

"See? You look perfect!" I said among standing up.

She grinned. "Thanks Jennifer."

"Um, Lizzie? Why didn't you have any friends before me?" I asked.

Her face dropped and she frowned. "I don't know. People just pushed me away I guess. I tried to make friends but I eventually gave up. I was fine on my own anyway." She said rather sadly.

"Aw. I'm sorry Lizzie." I said giving her a hug. She hugged back and then smiled.

"Its really okay. Come on. Let's go." She said grabbing my arm and pulling me out the door. I managed to grab my phone as she pulled me out. I locked my door and followed her to the boy's dorm rooms.

We arrived at the very top floor, and a coincidence, the door number was the same as mine.

Lizzie knocked and I whispered, "Who's room is this by the way?"

"Oh, Mark's." She said without turning to me. I swallowed and sighed. Great. So now that staring idiot is going to be there. And his girlfr- sister...

A boy I hadn't seen before opened the door and smirked. "Well, welcome to the party. Who's this?" He asked Lizzie winking at me.

"My new friend, Jennifer. Ryan, Jennifer. Jennifer, Ryan." She said introducing us.

"Heyy." I said awkwardly waving.

He grabbed our arms and pulled us inside. He gave us drinks and walked away. Lizzie drank hers quickly and I asked, "Is this alcoholic?"

"Yes. Now drink up. One glass won't hurt." She said before walking off.

I started at the glass and shrugged my shoulders. I gulped the drink down and vowed not to have anymore.

I turned to put the glass on the table. "So you came then." I turned around as I knew exactly who that was.

"Um, well, yeah. I wasn't going to go but, Lizzie forced me, so..." I trailed off and Mark nodded.

"Great. I'm glad you're here." He said.

"Okay." I said fake smiling.

"Heyyy!" Suddenly Mark's sister came over to us.

"Ooh, Mark is this your new girlfriend?" She asked shaking my hand eagerly.

"Um, no I'm just- I'm new here so.." I said quickly.

"Ah, well I'm sure you'll get to know each other soon!" She said happily before walking away.

"Yeah. Sorry about her. She's always too happy." He said grinning.

"No problem."

"Haha, your not my girlfriend." He said chuckling. "Yet." He said as he walked away. Wait, did he actually say that? Or am I hearing things??

Daddy's Angel (A Jim Moriarty FanFiction) *Sequel To: The Password Is...*Where stories live. Discover now