36. Drunk

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CONTENT in this book may contain uncomfortable moments for some people... Please, if you feel upset or anything, skip ahead to the dots because I don't want any of you guys feeling upset if some certain situations make you feel upset for whatever reason.
I love all of you so please dont forget it and dont get upset by reading something, okay?
You're all perfect and i love you all so much. Xxx :)

We arrived at a club and I sighed. "Well bye then. I'm underage, can't go inside. Sorry." I said. He shook my arm and said, "You're going inside." He pushed the doors open and shoved me inside. The music beat was drowning my ears and I could hardly hear anything.

"Go and sit down." He said pointing to a small booth. He then disappeared.

Run. I thought to myself.

No, don't run, what will happen to Sherlock of you run? My conscience told me.

I will warn Sherlock to run away. I countered

Check your pockets, he's taken your phone again dumbass. I mentally hit my conscience and went to sit down. Why could I not have put my phone somewhere else? Like in my shoe or my bra, but nooo, it had to go in my bloody pocket!

Matthew came back promptly with two trays of vodka shots. Nice try, I wasn't going to drink it. He'd probably drugged it or something.

"Now," he said sitting down next to me. "Let's play a game."

"You love those don't you?" I asked, knowing he's been playing games from the beginning.

"What?" He asked frowning.

"Nothing." I muttered.

"As I was saying," he gave me a glare, "I'm going to ask you questions about you and each time you answer truthfully you take a shot." He said pushing one of the trays over to me.

I glanced at all the people dancing and realising that's what you do when you go to a club. Not sit here reminiscing about your life with some sick, twisted guy who has me wrapped around his finger for all the wrong reasons.

"No." I said pushing the tray back. He sighed and pushed the tray towards me again.

"Fine. Want to know the best part?" He asked. I shrugged. "You get to ask me at questions you like. We take it in turns. There's 24 shots, 24 questions. Start. Now." He said picking up his first shot.

"I don't drink." I said folding my arms. He put his shot down and sighed pushing a hand through his hair. He scratched the back of his next and said, "I will get you and walk out of here I a minute. And you'll know exactly what I will do." He said. "Now, pick up the shot or I'm leaving." He threatened.

I hesitated and then picked up the shot. "Good girl." He smirked and said, "Okay, I'll begin... When is your birthday?" I scoffed at his simple question. Was this a joke? Really?

"I think you already know the answer to that." I said.

"No. I do not." He protested. "Answer me."

"1st of December." I replied taking the shot and putting the cup onto the tray. I was scared as to how this was going to play out.

"Okay, my turn. When is your birthday?" I asked.

Daddy's Angel (A Jim Moriarty FanFiction) *Sequel To: The Password Is...*Where stories live. Discover now