9. Oh. My. God.

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I sat there staring at the clock. Sherlock was going to arrive any moment. I felt nervous, I never normally feel this way.

Suddenly the doorbell rang. My heartbeat sped up and I stood up as my dad opened the door. Sherlock walked inside and greeted my dad. He walked into the living room and saw me and smiled. I smiled slightly and stood up. "Right. Well, shall we go?" Sherlock said.

"Ok." I muttered. I followed Sherlock to the door. My dad called me and I turned to him. He hugged me and said, "I care about you. A lot. I'm only trying to keep you safe." He said. I pulled away and nodded.

"I know Dad." I said before walking to Sherlock.

"Right. See you at about, 7.00pm. I'll make sure she eats and I'll being her back." Sherlock said. My Dad nodded and did a small wave good bye. I waved back slightly and got in the taxi with Sherlock.

I didn't speak to him. And he broke the silence. "So, what shall we do today?" He asked.

"Don't you have a case to get on with? You always have cases to do." I mumbled.

"Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed." He said. After a while he then said, "And I could feel the tension yesterday. I didn't know I had that effect on you." He said trying to sound 'sweet'.

"What tension? II've forgotten about it already." I said avoiding eye contact. I didn't dare look at him because I knew I'd look into his deep blue eyes and be hypnotized instantly.

"Really?" He asked smirking. He knew I hadn't forgot. He knows everything. He's bloody Sherlock Holmes.

"Yes. And I think you would just use me like you did with that Janine woman. You hate all that sappy stuff and I know better than to give in to you." I said looking straight at him. Oh god. Why did you have to do that? His eyes were staring intently at me.

"You think you know me so well. Well, you're wrong." He said. I looked away from him. Surely it means nothing. He doesn't love people it's not who he is.

"I'm 16. Almost 17. Doesn't that bother you? I'm extremely younger than you!" I said trying to persuade him.

"No. Not really. As long as we don't get caught." He said winking.

"Wow. Who said I was even going to-" I stopped as Sherlock put a hand on my leg. He patted it.

"Don't be so silly. Stop worrying. I'll lay off okay?" He said. I swallowed and nodded. His hand left my leg but I could still feel his touch. I looked out the window to try and distract myself. I crossed my legs and turned towards the window.

We soon arrived at St. Bart's Hospital. Sherlock and I got out and I followed him inside. "Why are we here?" I asked.

"I need to ask Molly something. Won't be long." He said. Who's Molly?

We arrive at a room fully of chemicals and testing equipment. "Hello Molly. I need to ask a favor." Sherlock said.

"Oh not again Sherlock. I can't keep giving you equipment. Staff will notice." The woman sighed and looked over at me. "Oh, hello. Who are you?" He asked.

"Um. I-" I began to talk but Sherlock beat me to it.

"Jennifer Moriarty. Daughter of Moriarty. I'm looking after her while her parents are busy." Sherlock explained. Molly's eyes widened.

"Ah. I see. Um, hello." She said awkwardly. Why was she so weird around me?

"Right I need another microscope to borrow." Sherlock said going into the cupboards.

"Sherlock I can't. I'm sorry." She said. Sherlock looked at her and said, "Have you changed your hair? And your lipstick, it looks good." Sherlock said smiling. Molly smiled back at him.

"It's just a try out. Nothing special." She said.

"Right. Microscopes?" Sherlock said.

"Top cupboard on the left." She murmured getting back to her work. He's such a sneaky little thing.

He took one and only took the lightbulb from it. "Thanks!" He called as he walked out. I followed him.

"Why did you take the lightbulb?" I asked.

"My lightbulb is broken. I needed a new one." He said.

"We came all this way for a tiny lightbulb?!" I said in disbelief.

"No." He stopped on a set of stairs and turned to me. I was standing in front of him and he was a few steps below me. He climbed one step which balanced off our heights and he said, "We could do something else if you like. It's your decision." He said grinning. "What do you want to do?" He said.

Oh how about kiss those fine lips of yo-

His face was inches from mine. "Um, I don't know." I said slowly.

He stepped up on the step one below mine and he was now above me. "Well, we could always...." He said something in audible and I didn't hear what he said.

"What?" I asked as my hair fell in front of my face.

He only smiled at me and pushed my hair behind me ear. I swallowed and felt myself heat up at his touch.

"Sh-Sherlock?" I stuttered as my breathing began to get heavier.

"Hmm?" He mumbled lowering his hand to my shoulder.

I frowned at him. "I thought y-you were g-going to l-lay off?" I said slowly.

"Perhaps I lied." He muttered as he quickly took my hip and pulled me towards him. He smirked and his eyes seemed to light up. He placed his lips ever so carefully on mine and I tried to resist but I gave him. It was like he made me melt. My hands made their way up to his neck and I wrapped my arms around him. Suddenly a phone started to ring and Sherlock pulled away. He reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone. He answered it. "John." He said as he turned and walked down the stairs.

I stood there watching after him. How could he just leave like that?! What... I didn't even-

Oh. My. God.

Daddy's Angel (A Jim Moriarty FanFiction) *Sequel To: The Password Is...*Where stories live. Discover now