12. Going Far Away

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"Woah. What is this?" I asked throwing the letter onto the sofa. My dad picked it up and said, "After last night, I feel that you need to be protected and in a boarding school you will be. There are no maniacs out there who would get to you and-"

"What? Excuse me?" I said. "Maniacs? That was one time and I know I made a mistake if having that party but it won't happen again. I am not leaving my school, my friends, my life, just for a bit of protection. What is it with you?! Your a psychopath. If you want me protected then you should kill anybody who tries to hurt me. Not send me away. I refuse to leave. This is my home. Not some stuck up school for rich kids." I said as I felt upset and angry.

"Jennifer. You are going. End of story." My mum said.

"Mum? Since when did you get on dad's side?" I asked.

"There are no sides." My dad said. "Your mother and I have decided this together. You are going. Your bags are packed already and you leave in an hour." He said getting up and beginning to walk away.

"Dad! Don't you dare-" I was cut off.

"No Jennifer! You will do as you're told. If you dare step out of line ever again, it won't just be a boarding school. Believe me." He said before leaving the room.

"Dad!" I shouted after him but he ignored me. I bean to feel myself tear up and I couldn't hold it back. "Mum. Please, I can't leave..."

She just stood up and shook her head. She looked torn between the both of us and I sunk down onto the floor.

Everything was getting back to normal and now it's all gone to shit.

I decided to leave. I walked to my room and slammed the door shut. I saw my suitcase on the bed and I opened it and checked through everything. I added my phone charger, some headphones, a few more pairs of shoes, some money and some school books. I called a taxi and waited a few minutes. Once it had arrived I then lifted my suitcase off my bed and pulled it out of my room and down the stairs.

I got to the bottom step and I grabbed my coat and put it on.

"Jennifer." I turned to see my dad and my mum at the top of the stairs.

"What are you doing?" He asked me.

"Leaving. I hate you." I spat and I opened the door.

"Dot you dare take another step out the door young lady!" He shouted coming down the steps.

I ignored him as walked out slamming the door. I walked quickly to the taxi and got inside. "Where to madam?" The taxi driver asked.

"Anywhere but here. Quickly please. Just drive." I said as I saw my dad running towards the taxi.

We pulled off before he reached us and I watched him stand there as I left.

I guess I'm on my own now.

I decided to call Miles an he said I could stay at his house. His parents liked me and they allowed me to stay. If I could swap my parents believe me I'd have his. He gets to do what he likes when he likes and stays up as late as he likes too.

When I arrived his mum, Kate answered the door. "Hello, Jennifer. I heard. I'm so sorry. Do come in." She said. I smiled slightly and dragged my suitcase in. I felt like such an idiot for doing this.

"I'm really sorry about this. I feel so bad." I said to his mum and dad. They both told me it was alright.

I suddenly felt two arms wrap around my waist and I turned to see Miles. "Hey." He whispered.

"Hey." I said turning to face him. "I'm sorry about this." I said.

"Don't worry about it. Come." He said taking my suitcase up the stairs. I followed him up to his room and he out the suitcase below the window. "So, what happened?" He asked.

"They wanted me to go to a boarding school." I mumbled. "I'm not leaving." I said slowly.

"I'd never let you leave. Not in a million years." He said kissing my forehead.

"Tell you what. Why don't we have a night in. My parents are out to dinner later and won't be home until late. We can watch movies, play video games, whatever you want to do." He said. I nodded and he smiled.

Later that day, Miles' parents left for the dinner and we were playing Fifa15 on his playstation.

"Don't you dare!" Miles shouted as I stole the ball from him. I giggled and ran towards his goal. I aimed to shoot and scored.

"Yes!" I screamed. "3-1 to me." I said laughing.

"Not for long." He said smirking. He tackled me and sped up and shot the ball into my goal. "Ha! In you pretty little face!" He said laughing.

"Match point. We have a minute left!" I exclaimed.

I tackled his player and ran for the goal. I tried to shoot but he tackled me and I quickly stole the ball from him and kicked it towards the goal. I then changed my player and did a header into the goal.

The time was then finished.

"Yes! That's the third match I've won!" I said grinning. Miles put his controller down and glared at me. "Aww, come on. You wasn't that bad." I said giggling.

I smirk arose on his face and he pushed me back in his bed and started to tiggle me. "Miles!" I exclaimed, laughing. "Miles! Stop!" I was laughing so hard my sides were hurting and years were falling from my cheeks.

"Make me." he growled not stopping.

I giggled harder. "Miles! Please!" I screamed.

"Beg for me." He said laughing.

"Please Miles stop this. Please!!" I cried.

He finally stopped and pulled me to sit up. I sighed and wiped my cheeks. "Oh my gosh." I said catching my breath. Miles chuckle and I looked at him.

I'm so glad he forgave me. He means the world to me.

"Baby?" he asked.

"Yeah?" I said staring up at him.

"Who was that guy yesterday?" He asked.

"What guy?" I asked slightly confused.

"You got in his car after I left you. I watched you leave with him." He explained.

I swallowed and said, "He, um, I just- I was stupid. That's all."

Oh dear...

Daddy's Angel (A Jim Moriarty FanFiction) *Sequel To: The Password Is...*Where stories live. Discover now