7. On A Real Case.

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Sherlock and I sat in the taxi in silence. Sherlock checked his watch and tapped the driver. "Would you please go to this address instead?" Sherlock said showing him his phone. The driver nodded and turned a corner.

"So, where to now?" I asked him.

"On an actual case." Sherlock said smiling. I nodded.

I avoided any eye contact with him because I was still recovering from our almost-touching-moment.

We soon arrived outside a house and we were greeted with a man wearing a train hat. I stopped myself from laughing and Sherlock followed him in. I followed Sherlock and he turned to give me a weird look as if to say 'look at his weird hat'. I giggled a little but quickly stopped myself.

We came into a room with a train track set. The man's name was Howard and he said to Sherlock, "My girlfriend's a big fan of yours."

Sherlock chuckled sarcastically. "Girlfriend?!" I shot Sherlock a look as if to say 'don't be rude'.

"Sorry. Do go on." Sherlock said clearing his throat.

"I like trains. I work on the Tube, on the District Line, and part of my job is to wipe the security footage after it's been cleared." Howard said sitting at his computer. "I was just whizzing through and, er, I found something a bit bizarre." He turned towards the computer and pulled up some footage. We both walked up to the screen and watch it closely. It showed the platform of a station. A train was still and its doors were open. There was only one man on the platform. He looked like a business man as he was carrying a briefcase.

"Now, this was a week ago. The last train on the Friday night, Westminster station, and this man gets into the last car." Howard explained. "He gets into the last car at Westminster, the only passenger, and the car is empty at St James's Park station. Explain that, Mr Holmes." He said.

"Couldn't he have just jumped off?" I asked. Sherlock shot me a look and I looked away from him awkwardly. That was a pretty dumb thing to say...

"There's a safety mechanism that prevents the doors from opening in transit." Howard said as though I was stupud. "But there's something else. The driver of that train hasn't been to work since. According to his flatmate, he's on holiday. Came into some money."

"So if the driver of the train was in on it, then the passenger did get off." Sherlock said thoughtfully.

"There's nowhere he could go. It's a straight run on the District Line between the two stations. There's no side tunnels, no maintenance tunnels - nothing on any map. Nothing. The train never stops, and the man vanishes. Good, innit?!" Howard exclaimed.

"I know that face." Sherlock murmured.

After a while we left and Sherlock was deep in thought. I didn't want to interrupt his thoughts.


Back in 221B Baker Street, I sat on the sofa as Sherlock figured out what we need to do next. I was tired from the past events and accidentally fell asleep. I suddenly woke to Sherlock shouting. "Yes, yes, yes, yes, YES! I've been an idiot - a blind idiot!" Sherlock shouted triumphantly.

"What?" I groaned sitting up.

"Oh, that's good. That could be brilliant." He said pacing across the room.

"What could be brilliant?" I said yawning.

"Not an underground network, Jennifer. It's an Underground network."

"Uhhh..." I said slowly,

"Sometimes a deception is so audacious, so outrageous that you can't see it even when it's staring you in the face." He said, literally staring me in the face.

"Um. Okay..." I said frowning.

Sherlock brought his laptop over to me. "Look - seven carriages leave Westminster but only six carriages arrive at St James's Park."

"But that's ...t's-it's impossible." I said confused.

"Moran didn't disappear - the entire Tube compartment did." Sherlock said.

"Moran? Who's Moran?" I asked.

"I told you, its this man." he pointed to the screen. "The driver must have diverted the train and then detached the last carriage."

"Detached it where?!" I said.

"That carriage vanished, so it must be somewhere." He concluded.

"But why, though? Why detach it in the first place?" I asked.

Sherlock began to pace around. "It vanishes between St James's Park and Westminster. Lord Moran vanishes. And-" Sherlock stopped and looked at the newspaper. He realized something. "What's the date, Jennifer- today's date?

"Hmm? November the ... Oh My God." I said realizing Sherlock was looking at a fireworks advert. Sherlock looked at the information wall and walked slowly towards it.

"Lord Moran - he's a peer of the realm. Normally he'd sit in the House. Tonight there's an all-night sitting to vote on the new anti-terrorism Bill. But he won't be there. Not tonight." He turned to me. "Not the fifth of November." He smirked. "Gunpowder treason and plot." My eyes grew wide and he had figured it out.

He truly was amazing.


After talking with Howard, Sherlock and I were walking through the old station.

"What are you doing?" Sherlock said turning to me.

"Calling the police. A bomb is going to go off." I said obviously.

"What? No!" Sherlock said taking my phone away.

"Sherlock, there is a bomb. They need to evacuate Parliament." I exclaimed.

"They'll get in the way. They always do. This is cleaner, more efficient." He said stopping at a locked maintenance entrance. He took out a crowbar and broke the lock. He catried the ctowbar here!? He was truly a weird person but I wasnt conplaining...

The gate opened and then we went inside. Sherlock pulled the gate closed behind us and we took out flashlights and started to walk down into the maintenance tunnels.

Sherlock stopped and thought for a second. "Oh!" He exclaimed. He ran towards the end of the platform and jumped carefully off the end of the platform onto the tracks.

"Sherlock?!" I gasped. He just jumped onto tracks.

"What?" He said facing me.

"You'll get killed!" I said feeling scared.

"Perfectly safe as long as we avoid touching the rails." He said walking away.

I hesitated for a moment and decided to carefully follow him. We didn't have to walk far before the missing carriage was revealed.

"Here we are." Sherlock said.

"Sherlock..." I said staring at the carriage. He turned to look at me. "This is going to blow up. What are we doing here now?!" I was panicking. Sherlock only smiled and hopped into the carriage. I quickly followed him inside...

Daddy's Angel (A Jim Moriarty FanFiction) *Sequel To: The Password Is...*Where stories live. Discover now