22. Voicemails

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Yehhh, I included Lana Del Rey because she's so amazing and I love her so much.  But I'm imagining she's a normal girl for this soooo, yeah!
I also hope everybody had a lovely Christmas and I hope you're enjoying my FanFiction so far! :)









I quickly walked out the classroom and bumped into a girl. "Oh sorry." I mumbled trying to get past her. She tugged on my arm and I looked up at her. "Hey. No problem. You're the new girl right? I'm Elizabeth Grant. But you can call me Lizzie. Come and sit with me at lunch, I always sit on my own anyway, I thought you could use a friend." I hesitated as I saw Mark standing head in the corridor, hugging a girl with blonde hair tightly to his chest. His head shot up and his eyes met mine. I swallowed and looked straight at Lizzie. "Um, sure. Okay." She smiled and beckoned for me to follow her. I did and she walked straight past Mark, who still had his arms around the girl. As I walked past his eyes followed me, I could sense this yet I didn't dare look at him. If I was honest, he intimidated me, only slightly.

I sat with Lizzie after we'd chosen our lunch from the canteen. We chose a spot inside next to the window. Nobody else came to sit with us. After a while she began to ask questions. "So, where you from?" She asked.

"Um, London." I said taking a small bite of my sandwich. To be honest I really wasn't hungry and thinking of home was putting me off my appetite. I swallowed the dry sandwich and pushed my tray to the side.

"Why did you move to this school?" She asked opening her yogurt.

"My parents forced me to go. I didn't want to go but in the end I did." I said simply.

"Oh. I'm sorry. I was forced to come here too." She said making a thin line with her lips. "Oh well!" She suddenly exclaimed. "I secrerly, like it here anyway." I nodded smiling. "The school is great at teaching and hardly ever gets boring, that's why-"

I cut her off. "Are you normally on your own at lunch?" I had to ask.

She looked down. Pushing her own tray away. "Um, I am. I prefer to be alone, no-one really took any notice of me anyway." She sighed. I bit my lip anxiously.

"So, why ask me to sit with you?" I asked.

"Because you seemed lost, like I did when I first came here. Besides, I'm not a total reject. I just stay by myself. I'm not an outcast of the school if you're worried." She began to laugh.

I found myself laughing with her and we left the conversations at that. "Would you like me to take your tray to the bin?" She asked. "Um, yeah, thanks." I said lifting it to her as she stood up. She smiled softly and took the tray away. I watched her go. She was really pretty and I wondered why no one ever talked to her. I noticed a few guys watching as she walked by. There was no doubt, she was very, very pretty. How could she still be single? My eyes drifted away from her and around the room. I suddenly noticed Mark staring at me from a table adjacent to ours but on the other side of the canteen. I swallowed and frowned at him. I should confront him. Ask him what his problem is. Should I? I don't know maybe if-

"What are you thinking about?" Lizzie said sitting down blocking my view of Mark. I shook my head. "Nothing much." She only nodded and brought her phone out.

"You're allowed phones out?" I asked.

"Sure. But if you get them out during class its confiscated for the rest of the day. Simple." She smirked almost. I nodded.

I brought my phone out too and switched it on.I found a new voicemail from Miles and a text from the weird number. I honestly thought it had stopped.

Running away won't solve your problems. - Number Unknown.

I sighed.

Who the hell is this. I texted back.

I then tapped my voicemail and held it to my ear. I waited and it finally started.

Oh God Jennifer. How could you leave me like this?

Miles' voice seemed to hitch as he took a breath and after he let out a slow unsteady breath. I frowned as there was silence.

Is it my fault? Did I do something to you? I need you to come back. I can't-

He stopped and I felt myself stand up quickly. Some people stared at me and I swallowed as I felt Mark's eyes on me. I quickly left the room and went outside.

I can't bear it. I know I cheated on you and it kills me that I did that. I just, wanted a bit of fun I guess.

Forget it. Please forget it.


Please don't forget about me. I can't lose you again.

The last time I lost you I didn't do much, but now I know how much you mean to me and the thought of you getting hurt by that fucking idiot, and the thought you kissed someone else, and the thought that you may actually move on and be with someone else, it makes me so mad inside.

The thought that another guy could be holding your hand, could be holding you, hugging you, laughing, crying with you, kissing you.

It may sound selfish but I want you all for myself. I've always loved you I just do stupid things and right now, I'm sitting on my bed crying because you've left. I haven't gone to school.

It finally sunk in and then I broke down. My parents tried to talk to me but they don't understand.

There was another long pause. I found myself crying too and I leant against a tree. I slowly sunk down to the floor and pulled my knees up to my chest and held them as I listened.

Please, forgive me. If your still mad then I just wish you'd call me so I can tell you I'm sorry whilst hearing your voice. I wish you were here so I could hold you. I wish I could hear your voice, see your beautiful face, smell your gorgeous hair.

His voice hitched and I heard a sniffle from him.

If I hadn't have met that stupid woman then none of this would've happened. Youd have stayed with me and you wouldn't have gotten hurt and-

Its all my fault. I'm so sorry.

But its not his fault. Not at all.

Jennifer, just please, please call me as soon as you hear this. I need to know your okay and I need to tell you that I'm sorry.

Please call me.

I love you.

And that was the end. I hung up and shoved my phone into my pocket. I put my head in my hands and I tried so hard to stop crying.

"Excuse me." I heard a low voice. I looked up to find Mark standing above me. My heart was beating so fast I thought it was going to beat out of my chest.

I scrambled to my feet and frowned slightly. Did he come out here and see all of that?

"Why are you crying?" He asked frowning at me. No different then to how he's been looking at me the whole day.

"Um, personal stuff. Can I help you?" I said, a little too rudely. He was studying my face intently. "What?!" I gushed as I felt myself wanting to cry again.

"Jesus, calm down. I just-"

"Please. Go away." I spluttered finding it hard to look him in the eye.

"I, erm, I think you should know, that the bell has rung. Its time for last lesson." He said before walking away.

I pulled myself together and walked back inside the canteen. Lizzie had disappeared and I looked at my timetable. Maths. Fun.

Daddy's Angel (A Jim Moriarty FanFiction) *Sequel To: The Password Is...*Where stories live. Discover now