43. Explanations

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"So." Dad said sitting down on the sofa. "Tell us what's going on." Mum looked at me and smiled  slightly. I took a deep breath and began my story.

"Okay. So, Dad remember when you saved me from that guy up on the hill?" I asked. Dad nodded. "Well, keep that in mind. So, one day I began to receive strange texts from an unknown number and I didn't know who it was. I trued to ignore it and I didn't do a thing about it. I figured that they'd stop but...they didn't. Well, after the boarding school argument I went to stay with Sherlock for a while and-"

"Please tell me nothing happened between you two." Dad sighed.

"Dad! No! Let me finish!" I said. He sighed and leant back into the sofa. "Anyway, I received a text the next day saying to 'be careful when you go outside'. I was careful but then Sherlock got distracted and I walked away in annoyance but then the guy from the hill, who is called Matthew, came and he kidnapped me. While I was at his house I was locked in his room and I didn't know why he was doing it. So, soon enough, I was rescued by Miles and Sherlock and Miles shot Matthew in the arm and we got away. To cut a long story short, while I was at school Sherlock visited and told me Miles had been shot by Matthew. I couldn't believe it and I had to be in court and Matthew went to prison. Miles was- he erm- he didn't make it and I then returned to school and pushed everybody away. I didn't want to speak to anyone. But after Christmas he somehow broke out of prison and found me. He made me go to a club and then we talked about ourselves but soon my friend Lizzie and Mark came to help me. But, Mark isn't all that good. So, Mark came to me and he helped me. I grew fond of him and we ended up together for a bit. He then decided to take me to a family party thingy but he lied. About everything. Matthew  is his step brother and Mark used me so his brother could get me. I didn't understand anything and Mark left me. Then Matthew and I had an argument and he got angry and decided to drive me back to school. On the way he was driving too fast and crashed. That is how I ended up in hospital." I finished. "Oh and kill me now because I really do not want to spend the rest of my life locked up inside this house." I groaned.

Dad got up and wiped a hand across his forehead. "What the he are we going to do with you?" He said.

"Let me go for a walk tonight." I said.

"A wal- no! You are not going to-" I cut Dad off.

"See? I knew you'd do this! This is why I didn't tell you anything before!" I said standing up and walking to get my coat.

"Get back here young lady. Do not test me." He said.

"You know what? You won't even tell me what your job consists of so why should I tell you what my life consists of?" I said grabbing my phone from the table in the living room.

"Jennifer..." He said sternly.

"I'm leaving." I said.

"No. You're not." Dad said blocking the front door.

"Dad! I have a week. One week and then I'm going in for an operation that I may never come out of. Let me go and see Miles' grave before this happens!" I said angrily. Dad's face dropped and he stepped away. I opened the door and left shutting it behind me.

I made my way to the graveyard slowly, taking in the fresh air as I walked.

Daddy's Angel (A Jim Moriarty FanFiction) *Sequel To: The Password Is...*Where stories live. Discover now