34. I'm.So.Dead.

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I rested my head on Sherlocks forehead. Was I ready for this? I know I had done this before but with Sherlock? Really?

I sealed the deal by kissing his lips softly.

His hands supported my back and he whispered, "I don't really know what I'm doing", while he lay me down on the sofa. I swallowed as I prepared myself. I should be happy but I really wasn't. Its not like I didn't want to do this, because I did, but I didn't feel happy.

Sherlock leant over me and held my thighs. His touch was doing nothing for me at the moment and I was only doing this because he basically asked. My hands found their way to his shirt and I began to undo the buttons.

His hands moved form my thighs to my waist and underneath my shirt. I swallowed as I felt his hands against my skin. I shut my eyes and kissed him hard. He looked at me and I saw his bright blue eyes and he probably saw my love drowned eyes. He smiled and I realised I needed this as much as he did. I pulled my shirt off and pushed his off his shoulders. He swallowed, probably nervous.

"Its okay." I whispered smiling. He looked at my body and forced a nervous smile. "We can stop if you want to." I muttered. Sherlock surprised me as he pushed me to lay down and kissed me hard gripping my waist tightly. I gasped and he smirked against my lips. Wow. He's changed into something else, which I liked.

Suddenly someone opened the front door and we both froze. I swallowed and a million thoughts ran through my head. I was shaking and Sherlock frowned and tried to calm me down. I slowly pulled my shirt back on and Sherlock had trouble doing the buttons up on  his. I reached up to his torso and fumbled to do the buttons up for him and I froze as I saw my dad walk into the room. I swallowed and moved away from Sherlock. Fvck. I'm in deep shit.

Dad didn't say a thing. He just stood there, mouth wide open, not saying a thing. Sherlock put his head in his hands and didn't dare turn around. I looked away from dad and found myself speaking. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry. It just happened. And then, I don't know. I just- the truth is that- I-" I paused and I got up to face him. He looked like he was going to blow his top any second. I hoped he would be calm but come on. My dad is never calm. You all know that.

"I do not want to hear another word from you young lady. Get upstairs and stay there. And as for you Sherlock-" his voice cracked a little at his name. "I can't believe you'd do this." He said.

"Dad, its not his fault. A-and, I l-love him." I croaked out trying to be calm and collected.

My dad started laughing and to be honest he seemed like a maniac. "You love him? That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard. Stop being a stupid little girl. Do as you're told go.to your room." He said shaking his head.

"Jim, I think-" Sherlock began but dad cut him off.

"Stop it. Stop it now! I came home to get a bag for my wife and I return to see you, attempting to sleep with my daughter?! How dare you?! After all that we put aside, all our differences. I was wrong to think I could maybe even trust you." Dad said angrily. "Pack your bags now Jennifer you're going back to school a d you're never coming home until you've graduated. As for you Sherlock, if you set foot near my daughter or my family ever again. I will kill you, with my bare hands." He said glaring at Sherlock.

"Dad, stop. You're scaring me wants wrong with you?" I asked.

"Do as you are told!" He shouted and I hurried up the stairs then. I heard low voices but I couldn't make out what was being said. I knew it. It was too risky. This can't go on. I have to stop this.

Dad paid for a taxi to escort me back to school and once I arrived back at school I saw Sherlock, who must've followed me. He walked over to me and hugged me. I made no attempt to hug him back. "Sherlock, I told you didn't I? But, you wouldn't listen. We cannot do this anymore. I'm done. I'm not making my life any worse. Sherlock please, if you love me let me go. I can't stay like this much longer. Its wither you stop or I do. So I'm taking the first step. Its over Sherlock. I'm sorry. Its never, ever going to work and today proved that." I said fighting back tears. My throat was dry and my lungs hurt inside my chest. Sherlock's face was utter disappointment and sadness and it killed me to look at him like that.

I signed in at the gates and walked into the school. I went into my dorm left my suitcase a d sat on my bed crying my eyes out. Short, tight, breathless  breaths wracked through my chest and I couldn't handle it. I went into the bathroom and locked the door. I turned the shower on and sat underneath it, clothes still on. I then pulled my legs up to my chest and rested my head onto knees.

All I could feel was pain in every way possible and my life just kept getting worse and worse and I couldn't do anything about it.

Daddy's Angel (A Jim Moriarty FanFiction) *Sequel To: The Password Is...*Where stories live. Discover now