20. Somewhere Else

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"Let her go. She's no concern of yours." Sherlock said.

"Says you. How old are you? Like, 30?" Matthew said scowling.

"You can talk. I know that you're almost the same age as me too. Do not go down that route." Sherlock said. Matthew was still holding my arm and I tried to push him off.

"Jennifer. Stop or I won't hesitate." Matthew warned squeezing my arm tightly.

"You wouldn't dare." I said. Surely he wouldn't hurt me in front of Sherlock, or anyone for that matter.

"You asked for it." He growled taking me by my hair with his free hand and pushing me with my arm behind my back towards the stairs. I yelped in pain as his fingers gripped my hair.

"Get off her!" Sherlock shouted. Sherlock tried to pull him away but Matthew spun round letting go of me and punched Sherlock in the nose. Sherlock fell backwards off the steps. I gasped and rushed to Sherlock.

"Oh god. Sherlock you shouldn't have come here." I whispered helping him up.

"Come here." Matthew suddenly grabbed my again and pushed me up the stairs. I pushed against him and struggled. He pushed me into the bedroom and shut the door, locking it after him.

"No. Stop it. I didn't-" I was stopped as Matthew put his hand over my mouth. Sherlock began to bang on the door.

I started to scream and kick Matthew but he just pur his hand on my mouth harder and ordered me to stay quiet.

He pushed me towards the bed and told me to stay put. I wasn't going to listen to him. As soon as he opens the door I'm going to run. Matthew turned to look at me and I sat there. "You move. Lover boy won't be alive to tell the tale." He said opening a drawer and pulling out a gun. He wouldn't dare. I swallowed and nodded. Matthew pulled back the bullet compartment and loaded it with two shoys. Okay, maybe he's crazy enough to actually do it. I wouldn't be the cause of Sherlock getting killed. No way.

So as Matthew opened the door I stayed put, did as I was told. I saw Sherlock looked at me helplessly and suddenly there was a gunshot. No. Please no. Matthew turned to me and frowned. I looked at him and he was holding his shoulder. It was bleeding and I looked at Sherlock but he had no gun. Matthew collapsed to thw floor.

I then saw Miles begins Sherlock and I felt myself wanting to faint. I couldn't believe it. Miles ran to me and grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the room. He ran down the atairz and I stared at him in awe as he led me out the building. He got in his car and Sherlock took a taxi.

It was silent for a moment until I asked how he found me.

"Sherlock tracked your phone and called her to help him if there was any trouble. God Jennifer. Why do you have to get into trouble all the time. I can't bear yo see you hurt and alone." He said not making eye contact.

"I'm sorry." Was all I could say. He finnaly looked at me, but when he did he frowned.

"Whats that?" He asked.

"What's what?" I said.

"Those bruises on your neck, your arms."

"I don't know. I think I-"

"Hey," Miles stopped the car on the side of the road, "tell me right now. The truth. All of it."

I swallowed and sighed. Miles was going to go mental. He hasn't got a good temper like Sherlock. Miles will explode, literally.

"Um, well, I'm okay. You know, but uh, he just I don't know I think he may have, well-. He tried forcing himself upon me but I was fighting against him evey second and he hit me because I wouldn't cooperate and then he grabbed me and well, hurt me. But I'm alright now. They'll disappear in a few days.

Miles looked at me and pushed my hair away from my neck revealing a few blotches of marks but I wasn't a big deal. " Her did this?" He asked.

I nodded. "But please don't hurt him. Don't so anything. Please."

"Why are you covering him, why shouldn't I hurt him?" Miles said. His face was getting red and I could see tears forming in his eyes. "I should teach that dick a lesson. I fucking love you. I know I don't show it sometimes but I've never stopped loving you and I'm sorry that I've needed up but I'm not letting that son of a bitch get away with it." Miles turned the engine on and turned to car around.

"No. Miles please stop. Don't think about him. Think about me. If you love me you'll stop. I don't want anymore fights. Please." I begged

Miles son slowed down to a halt and he took a deep breath.

"If I see that man anywhere I will not refrain from kicking his sorry little ass." Miles said before turning the car around for a second time.

I let my head drop back onto the headrest and whispered, "Thank you Miles."

I heard my phone ringing but surely Sherlock had my phone? He took it off Miles but then I didn't get it- I reached into my pocket and found my phone. He must've slipped it in my pocket when I wasn't looking.

Sherlock was ringing me. I quickly answered it. "Sherlock?" I said pressing the answer button.

"Jennifer. I- I'm just glad you're safe. He- I didn't see Matthew come out of the house after we left. I just- whether he's going to leave you alobe, I don't know. I've never seen this man in my life he-"

"Sherlock. Slow down. I'm fine. I'm safe." I said. He sounded flustered and I wanted him to be calm.

"Its Monday." He said suddenly.

"Yeah. So?"

"You didn't go to school."

"So? I'll go tomorrow." Sherlock didn't say a thing. "Sherlock, what's the matter?"

"Nothing. Just, make sure you're okay. You need to go home. As soon as you finish school tomorrow promise me you'll go home." He sounded desperate. I hesitated. I didn't want to go home at all.

"Fine." I muttered.

"Say I promise." He urged.

"I promise I'll go home tomorrow." I said.

"Good. Now, be safe and sort things out with Miles. You need to stay away from me. I'm too old for you and you need someone your age who understands you. I need to go."


"Bye Jennifer." With that he hung up. I sighed and put my phone in my pocket.

I looked at Miles who had his eyes fixed on the road. I looked out the window into the dark black sky and wished I was somewhere else right now.

Daddy's Angel (A Jim Moriarty FanFiction) *Sequel To: The Password Is...*Where stories live. Discover now