16. Stuck

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I walked out of the bedroom and was about to sit at the table. However, there was so much experiment equipment I couldn't sit down. So I sat on the armchair instead.

I twiddled my thumbs as I waited and I was so anxious about these messages. I needed to find out who it was. I sent a message to the person.

Who is this?

Sherlock then came and gave me some toast while he sat on the other armchair with some tea. "Thanks." I said. I began to eat and Sherlock was staring at me. I swallowed and said, "What are you staring at?"

He smirked and said, "Your pretty face." I felt myself going red and I put my head down so my hair would fall over my face to hide it.

"Don't hide from me Jennifer." He chuckled. I looked up at him and bit my lip. "Stop it." He said.

"What?" I asked. He waited for a moment and I bit my lip again not realizing.

"That." He said pointing at me. I didn't answer him and he sighed. "Stop biting your bloody lips. Or else I'll kiss you." He said.

I smiled and bit my lip again to annoy him. He put his tea on the table beside him and got up and leaned over to me. "I warned you." He said lowly. His lips soon met mine but we were interrupted when someone knocked on the door. Sherlock walked over and opened the door and John walked in.

"Morning Sherlock." He said. He then looked at me and said, "Um, morning Jennifer." I smiled awkwardly and finished my breakfast.

John and Sherlock were talking about something in a hushed tone. I finished my toast and took my plate to the sink. I then went to get dressed.

I then checked my phone and found another message from the unknown person. I opened it and it said

You really don't have a clue do you?
Don't go out alone today, you may just regret it...

I frowned and decided to call the number. I held the phone to my ear an walked out of the bedroom. I walked to the sofa and stood by it listening. The opposite end made a beeping noise and there was no answer. I hung up and put my phone away.

"Jennifer. John and I are going to the lucky cat shop, we need to investigate something. You can tag along if you like." Sherlock said putting his coat and scarf on. I nodded.

"Okay." I said. I probably seemed distant to them but I was worried about these messages.

I followed Sherlock and John through the town. I wasn't concentrating at all and I was daydreaming an awful lot. "Jennifer! Please keep up." John said turning to look at me.

"Sorry." I mumbled.

"Sherlock, let me go to the museum to see if there are any leads and you and Jennifer stay here and look here, or else we'll get nowhere. It'd take us forever." John said stopping.

Sherlock glanced at me and nodded. "Fine. Let me know if you need me." Sherlock said. John nodded and left. I caught up with Sherlock and said, "So what now?"

"Hold on." He said. He grabbed my hand and led me through to an alleyway.


"Shhh." I looked past him and it seems as though it would never end. He stopped and turned to me.

"What are we doing?" I asked feeling confused.

"We? I'm stalling for time. The lucky cat doesn't open until eleven am and it's half past ten." Sherlock said smirking.

"And? Can't we go to another shop instead of-" I was cut off as his lips met mine and I felt myself relax and I wrapped my arms around his neck. His touch made me feel like I was in heaven and I never, ever wanted him to stop. I never felt this way with Miles, but with Sherlock, I just feel like a completely different person. It's like it's only me and him in this world.

He pulled away and said, "Your father would kill me if he saw this."

"I know." I said sighing.

"But it doesn't matter. I've never listened to him anyway." He replied grinning. He turned me round and pushed me lightly against the wall. "It was good of John leave." He mumbled against my lips.

"Sherlock Holmes." We stopped as our heads shot up to the figure standing in the alleyway. Sherlock still had his arms around my waist and I was still holding his shoulders.

The figure stepped forward to reveal a woman I hadn't seen before.

Sherlock quickly let go of me and said, "Irene?"

I looked down. Of course it is. Irene Adler.

"We still haven't had dinner. I still want dinner. That is, if you don't have other plans." She said glancing at me. "Who is the lucky girl." She said.

I bit my lip and Sherlock said, "Jennifer Moriarty." Irene looked at me in shock and she began to laugh.

"Oh dear, oh dear. If daddy found out you'd be in big trouble." She said. I swallowed. She wouldn't dare.

"Irene. There's no need to tell him." Sherlock said. Irene stepped closer to Sherlock and studied his face closely.

"She's got you wrapped around her finger. Hasn't she?" She said tracing one finger down his cheek bone. Sherlock swallowed and shut his eyes briefly before opening them again. "Or have I got you wrapped around my finger instead?" She said glancing at me. I frowned and looked away.

He still loves her. Of course he bloody does. How can I be so stupid, I shouldn't have even gone to his flat in the first place.

I pushed myself off from leaning on the wall and began to walk away. I felt my breath become faster and I didn't dare look back as Sherlock called my name. I couldn't look at him. I'm always being stupid. Always.

I finally got out of the alleyway and I bumped into someone. "I'm sorry." I said moving out of their way. They grabbed me and said, "Jennifer?" I looked up and saw that man from that night.


"It's Matthew." He said. That's it, Matthew.

"Um, sorry but I need to go." I said moving away from him.

"Hey, wait. I'm sorry about that night. I don't know what came over me but I promise it won't happen again." He said.

Again? Really? In his dreams.

"Yeah. Whatever." I mumbled turning to walk away.

"Jennifer." I turned to look at him.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

"What do you mean, I'm walking away." I said.

"No you're not." He said. I felt my stomach turn and I swallowed. I backed away.

"Yes I am." I said. He pushed me back into the alleyway.

"No. Jennifer. You're not going anywhere." He said, almost threatening me.

Daddy's Angel (A Jim Moriarty FanFiction) *Sequel To: The Password Is...*Where stories live. Discover now