6. Heart racing.

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We arrived at 221B Baker Street.

We got out and I followed him inside. "John?" Sherlock called running up the stairs.

"Yes?" John had gotten out of the shower and was patting his hair dry and he stood in a robe.

"No need to come with me today. I'm taking Jennifer out on a case. Won't be long." Sherlock said turning swiftly around.

I then saw that John was a little put out by this but he shrugged and brushed it off.


Sherlock and I arrived outside a small cafe. "Um, Sherlock? I thought we were going on a case?" I asked.

"I changed my mind." He said smirking. I nodded and followed him into the cafe and we sat at a table next to a window.

"So, what shall we have?" Sherlock asked picking up a menu.

"Um, Sherlock. Why are you doing this?" I asked curious.

He looked at me and stared deep into my eyes. I quickly looked away and picked up a menu. A waitress came over and said, "What'll it be?"

"Um I'll have a latte please." I said putting the menu down.

"I will have a tea." Sherlock said handing her the menu. She smiled and took my menu and walked away.

It was silent for a moment.

"Sherlock why did you go to all that effort to take the blame for me?" I asked breaking the silence.

Sherlock coughed awkwardly. "I just- I- er- well..." He trailed off and looked down.

"Why Sherlock. Please tell me." I begged.

He looked up at me, his deep blue eyes glistening. "I...care a lot....about the safety...of- of y-you." He said picking his words carefully.

My heart began to race. No. Stop it. He's like my father's age. Get a grip!

"Um, y-you do?" I asked stuttering.

He quickly nodded. "I do. I care about John's safety and yours and your mothers. Jim can pretty much handle himself. But.." He trailed off and my heartbeat slowed down. Who am I fooling? Of course he doesn't actually have feelings for me. He cares about a lot of people not just me. I mentally kicked myself for being so stupid.

"That's nice." I mumbled.

"So, you're in big trouble." He said smirking as the waitress brought our drinks. She gave us a weird look and slowly walked away. Ugh. That sounded so wrong in so many ways... Especially from her point of view.

"Um, I, I know." I said annoyed. "I just wish I could have a bit more freedom to do what I want." I sighed. Sherlock sipped his tea and I drank my latte.

"Well, Jim loves you and he's trying to protect you. Look, a lot of things happened in the past before you were born and he doesn't want history to repeat itself. Your mother, almost died when she was pregnant with you." Sherlock confessed.

I felt my heartbeat quicken as I panicked. "What happened?!" I said quickly.

"Calm down. The old mansion was set on fire by a bad man and she got trapped. Jim didn't know she was pregnant then and she told him afterwards. Ever since that day he's been devoted on keeping his family safe. I never thought he'd do that." Sherlock said.

"Oh my gosh." I said under my breath. That's horrible. My parents must be worried 24/7. I shouldn't moan at them as much as I do.

Sherlock shrugged almost. "Well, that's the way life is I suppose." He said looking out the window.


We finished our drinks and we were now just talking.

"Sherlock?" I asked. He nodded. "What would you do if someone, I don't know like a woman, obviously..., said she love- liked you, a lot? I mean I know there was that Janine woman who you messed around with but what would you do?"

Sherlock frowned at me and leant closer to me. "It really depends who it is I'm talking to." I nodded swallowing and looking at my hands. I was sweating and I wiped my hands on my jeans. "Why do you ask?" He said. I looked up and his face was closer to mine now. "I just- I was curious. Y-you haven't r-really been out w-with anyone. T-that's all." I said. He nodded still looking at me intently. I coughed nervously and he didn't look away. He reached up to my cheek. I could feel my cheek tense up as he was almost touching me.

"Would you like anything else?" Sherlock sat back quickly and looked at the waitress. "No, no we're fine. We'll just be getting back home now." He stood up and walked out the cafe and gave the money to the waitress and calling, "keep the change" as he left. I got up and saw he was waiting outside.

What the hell just happened?

Why did he have that effect on me?

What was he doing?

I was dreaming. I know I like him. A lot.

But I had to have been dreaming. I pinched my arm as I walked out the cafe.

"What are you doing?" He said chuckling slightly. I put my arms down and said, "oh nothing." I awkwardly followed him to a taxi and we got inside.

He gave the address of my home and we sat in silence.

Daddy's Angel (A Jim Moriarty FanFiction) *Sequel To: The Password Is...*Where stories live. Discover now