48. The way things are, are perfect.

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*Three years later*

"Mummy! Mummy! I made this at school for you today!" Hamish said as he toddled over to me as I picked him up from play school.

He gave me a drawing of two stick people and a little stick person. "This is you, Daddy and me. All happy together." He said sweetly. I smiled and kissed the top of his head.

"It's amazing Hamish!" I said happily. I stood up and held his small little hand and said, "Let's go home shall we?"

He nodded happily and we walked to the car. I strapped him into his car seat and got in the driver seat and drove home. I noticed Sherlock k was home because the knocker on the door had been moved after I'd straightened it. He always did this; we both did without realising.

"Daddy's home Hamish!" I said as we pulled into the driveway and he cheered.

It did take a bit of trouble convincing Sherlock to move houses but he soon agreed as I persuaded him that he could have his own study.

I followed Hamish inside and shouted, "Sherlock?! We are home!"

Suddenly Sherlock came running down the stairs and stopped at the bottom. He crouched down and held his arms out. "Daddy!" Hamish cried running to hug him. Sherlock caught him, lifted him up and span him around before pulling Hamish to his chest to cuddle him. I laughed at how cute they were and I put my keys on the table and took my coat off.

"Hamish made another picture for us!" I called as I walked into the kitchen with the picture. I put the picture in the fridge, along with the other pictures and found Sherlock behind me holding Hamish.

Later that day, I sat downstairs watching the television when I heard Sherlock laughing upstairs. I decided to go up and look. I peeked through the door and saw that Hamish was wearing Sherlock's deer stalker and that it kept falling over his eyes. Sherlock laughed each time and I walked into the room.

"What's all this then?" I asked smirking.

"Hamish i s trying to wear my hat. Of course it doesn't fit him." He said laughing again.

" You can be so immature sometimes." I giggled a and he sighed.

Later that night, Hamish was sleeping in his room and I was in the kitchen, getting myself a glass of water.

Sherlock walked into the room. "I love this. Us. Everything. Its all perfect, just the way I want it to be." He said and I could sense he was grinning as he edged closer to me.

" Hm, me too." I said quietly reaching for a glass. I was soon stopped though. Sherlock wrapped his arms around my waist and rested his head onto my shoulder. I swallowed. Even now I still feel like he's touching me for the very first time. I held his arms against me and his hot breath tickled my neck as he spoke.

"I am still surprised I could even feel this way." He mumbled kissing my neck lightly.

I shut my eyes and enjoyed the cuddle. "Me too Sherlock." I said.

Everything in the whole world is just perfect.

Nothing could go wrong. Nothing has gone wrong so far but if it does go wrong then we can fix it. We can always fix it.

That night Sherlock and I went to bed and slept peacefully, entangled in each others arms.

There was no stopping us now. No way.

And Sherlock and I, we are one of a kind.

And I love him. I will love him forever and ever.

Sherlock Holmes.

~The End~

Daddy's Angel (A Jim Moriarty FanFiction) *Sequel To: The Password Is...*Where stories live. Discover now