35. Another Text

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The week which I had off from school went really fast. I slept most days but this morning I woke to the sound of banging on my door. "Jen! Open up its me!" I heard Lizzie and sighed. I got out of bed and opened the door.

"WOAH. What the hell happened to you? You look like you've been hit by a bus." She said walking in.

"Thanks Lizzie. I had a great week away from school." I said sarcastically.

"So, why were you home early? Why do you look like your sad about something?" She asked.

"Long story." I muttered.

"Class is in 20 minutes I'd get ready if I were you." She said before hugging me. "Whatever it is, you'll be okay. I promise." She said. I smiled slightly and she let go of me and told me to meet her outside English.

I walked through the corridor and met Lizzie outside the class. We both went inside and I sat down next to Mark. Happy days.

"Hello." He said smiling.

"Hi." I said.

"Are we feeling happier this time?" He asked. I didn't answer him. "I hope you're alright." He said.

"Look, if I-"I stopped as I felt my phone vibrate through my pocket. I took it out and  saw the message.

No more Mr Nice Guy. Its time for you to get what's coming to you.

I swallowed and began to shake as I put my phone away. "God, Jennifer, you're shaking like crazy." Mark said touching my arm. I flinched away from him and raised my hand.

"Yes Jennifer?" Sir said.

"Can I use the toilet please?" I asked.

"Of course." He said and I got up and walked out quickly.

I went to the toilet and washed my face. I looked around and made sure there was no one else in here and thankfully there wasn't.

After a while I composed myself and texted the number.

What do you want from me? Who are you?

After that I returned to class.

After the day I went out of school to go to the shop and buy some food for Lizzie and I. We were having a movie marathon and she insisted I buy popcorn while she chose the movies.

I walked down the street and then a message came up on my phone.


You already know who I am.

I frowned and decided to ring the number.

It rang, and rang, and rang, until finally someone picked up.

"Hello?" They said. Wait a second that sounded like- no, it can't  be- it sounded like Sherlock.

"H-hello?" I repeated again.

"Hello?" They said again, but this time it sounded like my dad...

"What the hell?" I mumbled.

"What the hell?" They repeated but it sounded like Lizzie.

"Stop this now. Shut the fuck up." I said panicking.

"You stop it. You. Shut the fuck up." My hand covered my mouth as I heard the voice of Matthew. Not only  just in the phone, but somehow behind  me as well. I was afraid to turn around in case I was imagining thigs so I sped  up my walking.

"Don't play games. Who are you?" I asked frantically.

"Your worst nightmare."They said, behind and through the phone.

" You're behind me aren't you?" I said shakily slowling down until I completely stopped walking. I shut my eyes as he replied, "Yes." Right next to my ear. I trembled and lowered my phone hanging up. "How did you get out of prison?" I asked keeping my eyes closed.

"I prefer to keep that a secret." He said, this time resting his head on my shoulder and blowing cool air against my neck making me shiver.

"Stop it. Please, leave me alone and I won't call the police, please." I begged knowing that if he did anything to me this time, I wouldn't be able to stop him.

"And why would I do that?" He said wrapping his arms around my waist.

"B-because, you'll- you'd-" I trembled and opened my eyes looking down at his hands grapsed tightly around me.

"Why, are you lost for words honey?" He said, his lips brushing agasint my neck.

"Please get off me." I said pushing his hands away. He gripped me harder and I couldn't breathe properly.

"Don't even think about it. I told you I love you don't be scared." He whispered.

"You hardly know me!" I said taking short breaths.

"Well I will soon." He said. "If you don't come with me, then I wil l hurt someone else you love. Sherlock, perhaps?" He said.

"No. Don't. Leave him out of this. Be has nothing to do with you?" I cried.

"So you'll come?" He said. There was a long pause. "You don't really have a choice. Its either come or see another loved one die." He sighed. "You have 5 seconds." He said. I hesitated.

Sherlock wouldn't want me to go.


But he can't get hurt.


And I can't lose someone else.


But what will he do to me? What am I agreeing to?


He's killed once he'll do it again.


The police will come after him anyway. Right?


"Fine! I'll come." I sighed shoving him off me.

"Good girl." He said grabbing my arm and leading me down the street.

Somebody please stop this awful nightmare.

Daddy's Angel (A Jim Moriarty FanFiction) *Sequel To: The Password Is...*Where stories live. Discover now