14. Faking It

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I finally arrived at Sherlock's and I knocked on the door. There wasn't an answer, so I knocked again. I checked the time. 23:24pm. I felt bad as Mrs Hudson opened the door sleepily.

"I'm sorry, Mrs Hudson. Is, erm, Sherlock in?" I asked.

"Oh Jennifer dear. He is upstairs." She said slightly annoyed.

"I'm sorry Mrs Hudson." I said walking up the stairs. She groaned in response and I heard her door shut. I walked up to their room and I knocked on the door.

Sherlock answered the door and before I could say anything, Sherlock grabbed my arm pulling me inside. "I-" I wanted to explain but he wouldn't let me.

"Wait. Don't say anything." He looked at me and searched my eyes for something. He was frowning and continued to stare at me.

"Um, She-" he cut me off by telling me to shush. I did as I was told.

"Why can I not read you." He mumbled.

'Because I love you.' I thought to myself. I just shrugged.

"What's the matter? Why have you got your suitcase. What happened?" He asked. I explained to him everything that had happened and by the end of it I was in tears. He put his arm around me and held me tight. "Hey. There's no need to cry. You'll be alright, I promise." He said softy.

I sat up and he dropped his arm. I wiped my eyes with my sleeve and said, "I'm sorry. I don't want to intrude but you're kind if my last resort." I said.

"Last resort?" He said. I nodded smiling, trying to forget about the past events.

He smirked slowly and mumbled, "I love it when you smile like that."

I felt myself blush and I not my lip to control myself.

"And when you do that." He muttered as he deep blue eyes stared at my mouth.

"Sherlock, is it alright if I stay here for a while?" I asked trying to change the subject.

"Say that again." He said moving closer to me. I swallowed and did as I was told.

"Is it alright if I stay here for a while?" I said slowly.

"No not that. My name." I felt my heartbeat increase and I said his name simply.

"Sherlock..." I looked up at him and saw that his eyes had changed from relaxed to restless.

"Why do you do this to me?" He asked grabbing my waist and pulling me to him. I let out a gasp as his body connected with mine and my heart was pounding. I looked up at him.

"Sherlock, you could be my father and-"

"Why does age really matter?" He said leaning closer to my ear and lingering as he whispered, "As long as you love that person, who can stop them? Nobody, is the answer." He seemed to growl as the sentence ended and he looked at me and brushed the tip of his finger along my bottom lip. I was totally under his spell and it was amazing he had this effect on me. His finger left my lip and I could feel it tingling. I but my lip in anticipation as he licked his lips. I swallowed, knowing what was about to happen.

As if on que, he leant down taking my lisp for his own. I was a sixteen-going-on-seventeen-year-old-girl, who was completely under the control of a man who is my own father's age. Sherlock was not a big fan of love, or romance. Everybody knew this. But then he acted this way around me and I couldn't help but let him feel this way, because I wanted it as much as he did. His lips were so soft I couldn't get enough of them.

He pulled away from me and smirked. "We mustn't tell Mummy, and especially Daddy about this should we?" He asked me grinning.

I shook my head, unable to speak. "Good girl." I looked at him and he sounded so simplistic but he sounded dirty saying that, and I liked it.

"Oh god." I found myself saying before kissing him again. In everything that happened i forgot about Miles as my parents and stupid private schools and I was concentrating in this moment. Here and now. I know it is wrong and messed up but in all honestly I couldn't give a single fuck.

Sherlock slowly backed up and sat on his armchair pulling me onto his lap. This was the closest and most intimate we had ever been. His hands held my back strongly and I wrapped my arms around his neck. My hands found their way to his curly, soft hair and I buried my hands in it. He let out a small groan and I grinned against his kisses as I just had that affect on him. Everything was happening so fast and I let my hands slide down to his chest. My fingers felt his buttons on his shirt and I began to unbutton them. Once I'd done that I let my hands slide down to his trousers and began to undo his belt.

Before Sherlock could get his arms out of his shirt the door suddenly opened and John walked in groggily saying,"Sherlock I've realized someth-" he stopped as he looked up to see us. "Oh my god." He said staring at us in complete and utter shock. I stood up from Sherlocks lap and Sherlock stood up and turned away from John to do his belt and shirt up. Once he had done he turned to John.

"Now, I know what this looks like, but-" John cut Sherlock off,

"Sherlock, what the hell. Moriarty will actually kill you in person if he ever found out this happened!" He said almost shouting.

"Um, I wouldn't shout. Mrs Hudson is downstairs trying to sleep and I was an annoyance to her when she was rudely awoken so..." I trailed off and John started laughing.

"You're serious? You two?" He said pointing a finger to both of us.

"It was a mistake. I was upset about Miles and I needed something to take the pain away. It was meaningless. I'm sorry you had to see that." I explained.

John nodded. "Jennifer, I understand. Please don't let it happen again, I just- wow, please don't..do that." He said gesturing his hand towards Sherlock then I. I nodded and sat on the sofa. "Well I'm going to sleep." He said moving quickly out the room.

"Did you mean that? It was meaningless?" Sherlock asked. He looked a little confused.

"Of course not." I said giggling nervously.

How could he make me feel that way and it mean nothing?

Daddy's Angel (A Jim Moriarty FanFiction) *Sequel To: The Password Is...*Where stories live. Discover now