45. The Operation

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Okay, so. I highly recommend that you read this book called Simon Says by Leedbookie. Her book is amazing and it is by far my favourite book on Wattpad right now. It is amazing. I'm in love. So, as Leedbookie would say...
Simon Says... Read Simon Says!
Thank you and please follow Leedbookie for mebe very grateful :)

Narrators POV

Jennifer woke up that morning and yawned. She turned around and cuddled Sherlock even more. She did not want to have this operation, but it had to be done.

Jennifer got up and retrieved her clothes. She poor them back on and took one last look at Sherlock fast asleep before leaving and walking home.

"Mum?! Dad?!" She called as she walked in the house.

"Jennifer. What are you doing we were worried sick." Jim said walking over to her and pulling her in for a hug. She waa surpised becauae he never did this, at all.

"Sorry dad." She mumbled.

"It's alright." He said not even bothering to ask where she'd been.

He pulled away and said, "Come on. Mum is almost ready. Go and get everything you need." He said sighing. Jennifer nodded and walked up to her bedroom.

After getting everything ready, getting changed and packing her bag, she was now waiting in the car. She was nervous and she was shaking.

Once they arrived they all sat in the waiting room. Jennifer felt bad leavwas then called over by a doctor. She got up, leaving her parents, and followed the doctor.

"He has requested to see you. If there is any problems press the emergency button." He said opening the door. She walked inside and didn't know who it was, until she saw Matthew. She swallowed hard and walked over to him.

"Its not over yet." He said preventing himself from coughing.

"Yes Matthew, yes it is. Because I am going to be free from you. From now on, I am free. Even if I do see you again I will never ever talk to you. You won't force me to do anything either." She said walking closer to him.

"You talk big. I don't buy it." He muttered.

"Why me?" She asked.

"Why you?" He said smirking almost.

Daddy's Angel (A Jim Moriarty FanFiction) *Sequel To: The Password Is...*Where stories live. Discover now