29. Worst Decisions To Make

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I sat on the chair outside Miles' room while Sherlock stood at the window. Miles' parents were also back and they were sitting on the chairs opposite from me. We didnt say much.

It felt like forever but it was soon over. The doctor came out and walked to Miles' parents.

"We have tried everything we can. There is no way to fix the internal bleeding. We have him on medication to make the pain more bearable for him but he can't survive with this forever. You have a choice to keep him on medication until its time to let him go, or we can give him a sedative which will let the situation take its natural course and he will pass within the next few hours. It is your decision. You can have time to think if you would like." I over heard him say. I felt my chest tighten and I got up and left. I walked outside the hospital and took a deep breath. I sat on the steps to the hospital and pulled my knees up to my chest. It was still early and there wasn't many people around.

I don't want to go back in there if it means saying goodbye. I hate goodbyes. Miles has been there since the beginning and now having to say goodbye wasn't apart of the plan.

"Jennifer." I turned expecting to see Sherlock, however I saw Harry, Miles' dad.

"Um, hey Harry." I said looking back at the floor.

He sat next to me and sighed. "I thought I was going to cry when the doctor told me he wouldn't make it. But I can't seem to cry. I don't uderstand why. I think I will cry but not now. I don't cry in public." He said trying to mame a joke. In this situation, he was always trying to enlighten the mood. He nudged me. "You shouldn't cry in public either. You should show you are strong."

"I am trying to be. Its hard." I said still looking down.

"I know. And I know that Miles would want to share his last moments with you. I think hes never loved anyone more than he loves you. And to be honest you were a lot better than the rest of the girls he brought home. In my opinion." He said.

I smiled. "Thanks Harry."

"Come on. Let's get you back inside." He said standing up. I took a deep breath and stood up. We both walked back to Miles' room and when I got there Sherlock wasnt there. Strange. I felt more at ease if he was there but now I guess it didn't matter.

Miles Must, Amanda, smiled softly as I came in. She was hiding Miles' hand tightly and Harry nodded to her. "We will give you some time alone." She said getting up and leaving with Harry.

I nodded. I walked over to him. And sat down.

"I have about two hours until-"

"I know." I said cutting him off. "And I'll stay for as long as you want. But your parents should be here too." I said.

"Yeah...I- they'll come in soon. I'll miss you." He said almost breathlessly.

"I'll miss you. You're my best friend." I said biting my lip, holding back the tears. Don't cry. Do not cry again. Be strong.

"And you'll always be mine...forever. Promise you won't forget me." He said.

"I promise." I said.

He raised his hand and put out his pinky finger. "Pinky Promise?" He said. I laughed a little and took his pinky in mine.

"I promise." I said.

He let go of my pinky and held my hand. "You're going...to be fine. My mum has a birthday present from me...to you. She'll give it to you...later." He said.

"Oh Miles. I love you so much. I'm sorry that this ever happened to you." I said squeezing his hand.

"And I'm sorry that I have to leave you. Its life. Things like this happen. Its not the end of the world." He said stroking my hand with his thumb.

"But you are my world." I said swallowing hard. DON'T CRY.

"Don't be silly. I love you, you'll be fine. You'll have a good life I'm sure. I saved you from him. Every hero has got to die sometime and I guess now is my time." He said frowning slightly.

"But not like this!" I said, slightly shocked he could be so calm about this.

"Its too late. I'll always be beside you. You know that." He said.

I nodded and we were silent for a moment. His parents were looking trough the door and I gestured for them to come in. They came in and we all sat in silence. We talked only briefly but other than that I think we all enjoyed the silence and each others company.

All we had to do now, was wait.

Daddy's Angel (A Jim Moriarty FanFiction) *Sequel To: The Password Is...*Where stories live. Discover now