38. Like I Said...

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Later that day, after lessons we had free time. I walked with Lizzie out of History and we made our way to the canteen to grab something to eat.

We walked out the canteen with a milkshake each and Mark jogged up to us. "Jen, can I talk to you for a sec?" He asked.

"Jen? We on nickname bases now are we?" She said grinning.

I gave her a look and walked off with Mark. "See you later Liz!" I called back, emphasising the way I said 'Liz'.

"Okay. What's wrong?" I asked.

"Well, the football game is on soon and I wondered if you want to come with." He said turning to me stopping.

I turned to him and said, "Aren't you in the football team?" I asked.

"I was, but then I dropped it because it was too much to handle when I had to work on other stuff." He explained. I nodded. "So will you come? Its starting any second. Lizzie will be there."

"Okay. Why not?" I said. He smiled and we walked to the football arena. We sat done in the stands near the top and I spotted Lizzie further down talking to the boy who was at the party that day. I think it was Ryan. Yep. Ryan. They seemed to be getting cosy.

"Great day for football considering its going to rain." I muttered sitting down looking up at the clouds.

Mark sat behind me and put his legs either side of me. I sat forward and said, "Erh, what are you doing?" I asked.

"Stop. Trust me, you'll be warmer this way." He said taking off his hoodie and giving it to me. It reminded me of Miles and I frowned. I didn't feel right putting another boys hoodie on but I forced myself to because the temperature outside could create a bloody ice age.

He then pulled my shoulder snack so I was leaning on him and he rested his chin on my head.

He was right, I was getting warmer. His hands rested on my shoulders and the game began sooner or later.

"Great day for football considering its going to rain." He mumbled.

"Like I said." I replied grinning. It was kind of weird. People kept giving me looks like they were confused as to why I was here with Mark like this. At half time, I felt Mark's hands slowly move down to my waist. He pushed his hands under the hoodie and rested his hands on my bare stomach.

I swallowed as his touch was making my heart race. "Mark what are you-"

"Shhhh." He whispered in my ear and I closed my eyes. He rubbed my stomach lightly causing warmth to overflow my veins and I felt tired, like I was going to go to sleep.

"You are going to be safe here. There is no way he knows how to find you because I've got your back." He whispered kissing my cheek. I smiled slightly and opened my eyes. I turned to face him and he smirked as his lips met mine. Suddenly an eruption of cheers came from the crowd but we ignored it as we were in our own little world.











"What are you doing now?" I asked Lizzie as Mark, Ryan, her and I walked out of the arena.

"I'm going to Ryan's dorm. The good thing about this school is they never have teachers guarding your rooms." She said smiling. Ryan started to laugh and Lizzie blushed. AW, they were literally the cutest couple ever. She finally found someone at last and that was great.

Daddy's Angel (A Jim Moriarty FanFiction) *Sequel To: The Password Is...*Where stories live. Discover now