3. Gone

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"Jen! Over here!" I quickly passed the basketball over to Holly and she weaves through the opposing team. She scored the final goal and shot it in the hoop perfectly. "Yes Holly!" I said walking over to her. We both high-fived and Jake called her. She went to talk to him. I turned around and bumped into Miles.

"Watch where you're going stupid." He said joking. "We'll if you weren't so tall idiot." I said poking his chest. He grinned and hugged me tight. "Good news." I said muffled into his chest. "My parents say that after my seventeenth birthday I'm allowed to do whatever I want. Meaning no more sneaking around." I grinned. Miles pushed me back but still held my arms. My hair was a little static from running against his jumper. He pushed it behind my ears and said, "Really?" I nodded. "Finally." He grinned.

It was the end of the lesson and it was time to get changed.

Later that day, I felt like it was one of the best days I'd ever had for a while. And I felt like I should tell my parents about Miles. The deserve to know and if I'm going to be allowed to do things properly then I need to tell them properly.

Once I got home that day, I walked in the front door and shouted, "I'm home!" There was no answer.

Hm. Weird. They normally call back to me.

I checked all over the house but they were nowhere to be seen. I went to the fridge I get a drink but noticed a note on the door. I pulled it off and it read:

Jennifer, your father and I are going away for the weekend. We didn't have time to tell you because your father booked the tickets this elafternoon. Ring us when your home.

Love Mum


I took my phone out and dialed my mum's number.

"Hello?" She answered.

"Hey mum, you said I should ring you?" I asked as I got myself an energy bar and a diet lemonade from the fridge.

"Yes honey. Your father and I won't be home until Monday, we are going to Italy to, take care of- something. We won't be too long. Be safe. Don't open the door to anyone and when your cooking be careful."

"Yes mum. I know."

"Okay honey. We love you. Enjoy the quiet."

"I will Mum. Bye."

"Bye Jennifer." I hung up. 'Enjoy the quiet' I thought. I quickly rang Miles. "Hey babe." He said.

"Hey guess what?" I said smiling.

"What?" He asked.

"I'm alone in my house." I grinned. "We are having a party."

"Great. I'll invite people. It's tonight right?"

"Yes. I'll see you at about 6:00pm?"

"Yes. Ok bye baby. I love you." He said before hanging up.


I waited and waited. It was almost 6:00pm. I suddenly heard a knock at the door. I opened it to find Miles. "Hey baby. Am I the first one here?" He asked. I didn't even get a chance to reply before he pushed me backwards and began to kiss me. I stopped when I was leaning on the back of the sofa in the living room. He pulled away and smirked.

"Someone's happy." I said laughing.

Daddy's Angel (A Jim Moriarty FanFiction) *Sequel To: The Password Is...*Where stories live. Discover now