32. Christmas at 221B

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Mum, Dad and I were in the car on the way to Sherlock's flat. We were all spending Christmas together.

Once I arrived home my Mum hugged me and told me she heard about Miles. I took it well. I guess I'm accepting it now and that I have to move on. My Dad apologised too and then we didn't speak about it after that.

Mark was being incredibly nice but it didn't help. Well it did, but I was still on the friends level.





"We're here." Dad said getting out of the taxi.

"Why couldn't we just take your car James?" Mum sighed following him up and carrying a bag full of presents for everybody else.

I followed them up the stairs and a few people were already there. Some I didn't recognise. There was Molly, Mrs Hudson, Sherlock and John. A woman with blond hair next to John and a man in a grey suit with grey-ish hair. I stood awkwardly in the doorway and gave John a small wave.

This morning I woke up in Miles' hoodie. When I got dressed I was tempted to put it on again, but I didn't. So right now its sitting on my bed. I feel quite different without it but it had to be done sometime.

"Merry Christmas Jennifer." I looked up to see Sherlock and I smiled and hugged him. "Are you alright?" He asked. I nodded against his chest. There was no doubt that my feelings towards him were still alive, I had just been pushing everything away lately. "I have a present for you. Two actually, but the other must be a secret." He whispered chuckling. I smiled and let go of him. "Okay." I said. He let me sit down on the sofa and he introduced the blond woman as Mary, and the grey suited man as Lestrade. Mary was Johns fiancé and Lestrade was working with the police.

The night was pretty good. Sherlock played the violin for us and we all exchanged presents.

After Lestrade, Molly and Mrs Hudson left I sat on the sofa scrolling through my phone.

"Jim. Is it alright if Jennifer and I go for a walk?" I heard Sherlock say. I looked up at him. Dad nodded and turned back to speak to my Mum.

I got up, put my coat on and followed Sherlock outside. He shut the door to 221B and started to walk down the street. I walked next to him.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"Yup." I said popping the 'p'.

"You don't seem yourself. He's in a better place you know." He said putting his hands into his pockets.

"I know I'm just- I miss him and I'm still upset." I mumbled.

"You shouldn't be. He wouldn't want that. He'd want you to be happy." Sherlock said. We turned a corner and kept walking.

"I know, I just, I'm still getting used to it." I said.

"Yeah. I know." He muttered.

He stopped and I turned to him as he did. "What's wrong?" I asked.

"Nothing." He sais studying my face carefully.

"Then why are you-" he cut me off as he pushed me against the building next to us and said, "Merry Christmas Jennifer," before kissing me. This shocked me but soon his touch made me feel warm rather than the cold snow making me cold. I wrapped my arms around his neck and for a moment I felt happy again. He pulled away but the loneliness crept back inside of me and I pushed him away slightly. I moved away from him and looked the opposite was to where he was.

"Jennifer." I heard him say behind me.

I don't know what it was but I think an overwhelming feeling of need for him came over me and I turned around and grabbed the collar of his coat pulling it toward me. I kissed him again and said, "Merry Fucking Christmas Sherlock Holmes."

Daddy's Angel (A Jim Moriarty FanFiction) *Sequel To: The Password Is...*Where stories live. Discover now