21. Pressure

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I woke up with the sun blinding my eyes. I was in Miles' room and I looked around and found Miles' arm around my waist. I swallowed remembering the last time his arm was around my waist and I pushed it off quickly. I got up and remembered that Matthew had attacked me, obviously tried to have sex with me and Miles cheated on me. Now Sherlock says I can't see him anymore and I've left my parents. It all actually sunk in and I felt like I was going to be sick.

I took a towel and some washing stuff from my bag and wrote a note saying I was in the shower and left it on his bedside table. I went into Miles' bathroom and locked the door. I hung my towel on the rail and used my phone to put some music on. I pressed shuffle and close as strangers by 5 seconds of summer came on. I smiled as it was my favourite band and I then got undressed. I walked into the shower turning the hot tap on, letting the warm water soak my skin.

I stood there for a few minutes, until the sing had finished, and I then took my shampoo and squeezed it onto my hands. I pushed the shampoo into my hair and then rinsed it off. I noticed there was a mirror behind of me and I turned and noticed myself. I swallowed hard and my throat became dry as I noticed the bruises and marks made by Matthew. I frowned and pushed my hair of my shoulder and my neck was covered, my syllabi, my back, my arms, legs.

I shut my eyes and sunk to the floor. I'm torn in two. I look like a mess. I can't do anything right. I'm always making the wrong choices. I'm going home and I'm going to that school. In going to the boarding school. I won't see Miles or Sherlock and Matthew won't know where I am. I can even go to college there. That's three years I can get away from everything and start over.

That's it I've made my decision.

I finished up and put the towel around me. I picked up my phone and turned the music off. I then unlocked the door and walled into Miles' room. He wasn't in there so I quickly dried off and put my underwear on. I then put my top on and suddenly felt two arms wrap around me. I swallowed. I didn't feel right with someone touching me like this.

I shuddered and Miles kissed my shoulder. "Whether you have bruises or not. I'm still going to love you." He said huskily in my ear. I shrugged him off and put some jeans on. I say on his bed and put my docks and trainers on and then began to pack my things.

"Jen. I mean it." He said wanting a reaction from me. I just nodded. "Why are you packing. You can stay here if you want to." He said. I nodded again but carried on packing. "Look I'd this is about Vanessa, then forget it. I left her the day you left me. Turned or she already had a boyfriend and I was just some sort of relief for her." I ignored that comment. "Where will you go ?" He said after a few seconds, changing the subject as he saw it bothered me."

"I'm leaving. Leaving home, leaving school, leaving everywhere. I've been accepted to join a boarding school in Sheffield, I think. And I won't be coming back for- for a long time. I'm sorry but we can't be together anymore Miles. At least not for now." I zipped up my bag and pulled it off the bed.

"Are you serious?" He asked, slightly lost for words.

"Yes and I need to leave. I'm sorry but, I guess I'll see you soon." I signed opening his bedroom door.

His parents were sitting at the table eating breakfast. "Um, I'm leaving now. Thank you so much for letting me stay and I'm sorry if I caused any trouble for you."

"Oh no. That's okay. We were glass to have you." His dad said smiling. His mum smiled too and I smiled back and walked out the front door. Miles was walking behind me and be said, "How soon?"

"What?" I turned to him.

"You said see you soon, how soon?"

Daddy's Angel (A Jim Moriarty FanFiction) *Sequel To: The Password Is...*Where stories live. Discover now