23. Skypeing

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Everybody needs a bit of MICHAEL CLIFFORD in their lives :)

I sat in my maths class trying to do the equation that was on the board. I couldn't concentrate. Did I really have that much of an affect on Miles?

I took a deep breath and initially gave up. I couldn't do anything right. Soon enough the bell rang for the end of the lesson and I left the classroom. I walked out into the main grounds and looked around.

I sighed. I felt lost. I really did. Nothing ever works out. I took my phone out and decided to call Miles. I couldn't leave him in that state.

I sat on a bench away from everybody else. I dialled the number and held my phone to my ear. I waited and waited and eventually Miles' voice filled my ears.


"Jennifer, oh my God. I wish you were here with me right now. I miss you, like the way it felt to fall asleep next to you. I'm not fine I just need you and-"

"Miles, please. Calm down or you're going to make me cry, for the second time today." I breathed out.

"Look, can we at least talk about this properly."

"How do you mean?"

"I'm going to text you my Skype so I can see your face. I can't bear it. When are you free?" He asked almost desperately.

"Um, now I guess." I said looking around.

"Great. I'll talk to you in a minute." He said.

"Okay bye."

He hung up and I put my phone in my pocket. I saw Lizzie walking across the grounds and I did my best to avoid her, however I didn't do such a good job avoiding Mark.

I bumped into him on the steps into the girls dorms. He wasn't even supposed to be there.

"Sorry." I mumbled before moving away from him and going to the entrance. I saw the blonde girl rush out and hug Mark. So maybe he was  waiting for her. I didn't care.

I soon got to my dorm room and I opened my laptop and opened up Skype. I then got a text from Miles and I added his Skype and called it.

I sat on my bed and waited. His face suddenly popped onto my screen and I smiled at the sight of him.

"Hey Miles." I said.

He smiled and he looked like he'd been crying. I didn't mean to make him this sad.

"Hey Jennifer. It's good to see you again. I know I'm acting stupid I only saw you lately but I miss you. You can't blame me for missing you."

"I miss you too." I choked out. I couldn't contain it I just started to cry.

"Oi, don't cry. We've done enough of that." He said putting a hand on the camera. He pulled it away and smiled.

I smiled back. "I'm sorry." I gushed wiping my eyes.

"Don't be. Its mainly my fault. I'm taking the blame." He said.

"I wish you were here. Honestly." I said quietly.

"I wish you'd come home." He said.

"I wish I could. But, I can't. I think its best I stay here. In case Matthew hasn't given up and he's still looking for me, then I'd be safe here. He won't find me here." I explained.

Daddy's Angel (A Jim Moriarty FanFiction) *Sequel To: The Password Is...*Where stories live. Discover now