27. Scary Stuff

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"Mr Holmes?" We heard a voice behind us. I let go of Sherlock and turned to see a doctor. He had come out of Miles' room.

"Yes?" Sherlock said.

"Miles seems to be recovering. His vital signs are improving, however he hasn't woken up yet. I advise you to stay prepared. You may see him if you wish." He said before leaving.

I looked at Sherlock. "Prepared? Prepare for what? Sherlock?" I asked feeling worried. He grabbed my hand reassuringly.

"You'll be fine." He said. I nodded. "Miles' parents have already visited him, I think they went home to get some things for him and they said they'd drop it by in the morning." Sherlock added.

I nodded and turned to the door. I pushed it open, only a small amount. I took a deep breath before pushing it the whole way and stepping inside. I shut my eyes as I saw Miles lying there. The beeping of the heart monitor was all I could hear and there were tubes everywhere that were connected to him. I walked closer to him and let out an unsteady sigh. "Oh my god. Miles." I whispered. He had a gas mask on to help him breathe. How could him being shot result in this? I walked closer to him and put my hand on his head.

He was warm.

I looked at the heart monitor and it was beeping steadily. It was a good sign. I guess.

"This is all my fault." I said quietly. "If I hadn't have gotten into his goddam  car then, then none of this would've happened. But no. I'm such a stupid idiot that I don't know right from wrong. God, I'm so- Everything has turned to shit. Everything. All because of me." I took a deep breath. "Miles, I don't know if you can hear me right now, but I'm going to try anyway. I love you I always have and I always will. No matter what the circumstances are, you'll always be here, in my heart. Oh god, I sound so cliché, but its the truth. Things were getting better, we had a nice Skype chat and then little did I know that you'd get hurt moments later." I paused and bit my lip, holding my emotions inside. "He's in prison now. Locked up. He is getting what he deserves. You'll be safe after this. I promise, nothing bad will ever happen to you again. And when you wake up things will be better. I know it." I stayed silent for a few moments. "Sherlock thinks you won't make it. I don't know what he's talking about. You're strong and you'll pull through. I know it. Don't listen to him he's being silly." I reassured him, really in an attempt to reassure myself only it didn't quite work as I felt myself beginning to cry. "Ugh, I promised myself I wouldn't cry." I mumbled wiping my eyes. "When you wake up, I'm going to make sure you know that I love you  because I do. I always have and I know I'm repeating myself but I can't help it. I need you. You are loved more than you will ever know and I wish you will pull through this. You know, nothing prepared me for the privilege of being yours. Miles, please. I know you can wake up. You will get through this. You will. You will." I dropped my head and wiped my eyes dry. I looked St the clock and it read 8:00pm.

I sat there all night. Not saying a word. I sat there until it was midnight. I felt myself slowly drifting off to sleep when Sherlock walked in through the door. "Jen? You alright?" He asked walking over to me. I nodded and he put an arm around me. "I know its probably not the best timing but Happy Birthday." He said squeezing me. I smiled slightly.

"Thanks Sherlock. Best birthday ever." I said being sarcastic.

"I'm sorry. But I wanted to wish you a happy birthday anyway." He said letting go of me.

"Seriously, thank you Sherlock." I said. He nodded and then left the room.

I felt myself falling asleep and soon enough I did.

A few hours later I woke to the sound if commotion and a long beeping noise. My head shot up and I stood up as I saw doctors all around Miles. "What's happening?" I asked frantically. Sherlock came into the room and grabbed my hand tightly.

A doctor pulled us aside and said, " We've had an alert that Miles is bleeding internally and needs immediate attention to try and resist the worst from happening. He needs surgery now or else he may die."  I covered my mouth a d Sherlock put his arms around me.

"Sherlock what am I going to do?" I asked panicking.

Daddy's Angel (A Jim Moriarty FanFiction) *Sequel To: The Password Is...*Where stories live. Discover now