1. Sneaking around...

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Hey, I'm Jennifer. I'm in my last year of school before I move onto college. And I think you could say life is pretty normal. Right?

Wrong. It may seem like that, but some things are too stressful. Like; over-protective parents, a psychopath for a father and I'm constantly having to sneak around. I don't understand why they need to do this.

I'm 16 for goodness sake.

Anyway. There is a lot of things I keep to myself. Like how I sneak out when my parents are asleep, I go out with my boyfriend of two months, (who they know nothing about) oh and one more thing. Which nobody but myself knows; I am deeply attracted to Sherlock.

Now, this may seem weird but I can't help myself, he is my dads age, I know... But recently he's just so different and interesting. There's something within me that makes me love him even more. It's so awkward because he comes to the house a lot!

Well, when I say house, I mean mansion...


No one can know. Not anyone.

And right now, I feel like I am constantly being protected. What is so bad that they need to protect me from?


"So, what are we going to do?" Jake whispered as I climbed down from the window using the old ladder that was stored beside the mansion. Miles walked over to me and put his arms around me. "Hey baby." He said kissing me. I smiled and turned to Jake. "I don't mind. Lets just go before my parents see us." I laughed.

This was always happening. The good thing is I have a lock on my door which I lock when I go to bed, so my parents won't know anything.

We walked out of the back driveway and into an alleyway. We walked out of the alleyway and onto the street. "Why don't we get Holly?" I asked. Holly was Jake's girlfriend but she never sneaked out of the house at this time of night. It was only about 10:00pm. "Yes come on let's go." We walked past some houses and we finally got to her house. She only lived a few minutes away from me.

Jake threw a stone at her bedroom window. "Holly!" He whispered/shouted. Holly quickly opened her curtains. "What?" She mouthed. Jake beckoned for her to come down. She rolled her eyes and shook her head. Jake made a puppy dog face at her and she still didn't. She was so stubborn. She opened her window. "No fucking way." She said. "Come on Holly! Only tonight?" I said. She shook her head. "I'm sorry but I'm not. If my mum and dad find out ill be grounded for the rest of my life!" She said. "Don't exaggerate." Jake said. "Please, I miss you don't hurt me like this." He pleaded pushing out his bottom lip. Holly rolled her eyes as threw a pencil at him. "You'll get over it! Go! I'll see you at school tomorrow!" She said closing the window. Jake waved goodbye and she shut the curtains. There's no persuading her. Seriously.

Jake, Miles and I walked down the street. I enjoyed Miles' company and he had his arm around me. Jake looked pretty miserable. "Jake? Don't worry. Her parents are just strict." I said. "I know. But why can't she sneak out for once? She's too much of a goody two shoes." He sighed.

Holly was the complete opposite of me. She'd work hard in school but I'd relax and let myself go sometimes. I wasn't picky on the things I wore, I would always wear my black leather jacket with some skinny jeans, a t-shirt and some boots. She wouldn't dare disobey her parents. I however, always did.

We didn't do much that night. As we got back to my house Miles wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed me goodbye. I climbed up the ladder again an in the window. I looked down on them both. "Nice ass." Jake said. Miles punched his arm and I tried not to laugh. "Bye guys." I sighed. Miles winked and said bye with Jake. They both walked off. I shut the window and flopped on my bed.

I hated this. I hated it so, so much. After I was in my pajamas I sighed and turned my lamp off and slept.

Daddy's Angel (A Jim Moriarty FanFiction) *Sequel To: The Password Is...*Where stories live. Discover now