11. Daddy Knows Best

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I heard my name being called. I looked up and saw someone dragging Matthew off me. I couldn't see who it was as it was too dark. It was only until I sat up when I saw who it really was.

"Dad?!" I almost screamed and he looked utterly furious. Emotions were high and I was crying. Why am I so stupid?!

"Don't you dare touch my daughter ever again. If I see you anywhere near her, I will kill you." My dad said as he was holding Matthew up against a tree by his collar. I stood up and watched as Matthew got into his car and drove off. The headlights blinded me for a moment but once he was gone I ran to my dad and hugged him.

"I'm so sorry, daddy. I didn't mean to I was upset and I wasn't thinking straight. I'm sorry. I'm sorry..." I said crying into his white shirt.

"Honey, it's okay. Shhh, don't cry now. Your safe. This is why you new your mother and I to take care of you." He said.

We walked to his car and I got inside. He drove off and we sat in silence.

"Jennifer. I wish you'd listen to us." He said suddenly.

"I'm sorry dad. I had an argument with Miles and we broke up and I just miss him and-" I stopped as I realized I was babbling.

"Why did you break up?" He asked sounding concerned.

"Um, I, we have been, er, arguing a lot lately and he thought we needed a break so, uh, yeah." I said trying to find an excuse. If my dad ever found out about Sherlock and I, I think I'd be dead.

He nodded. That was it. When we got home I hugged my mum and she kissed me and I then went to bed.

That night I was lying in bed watching the ceiling. My phone vibrated and I picked it up. It was another message from the unknown caller.

Oh dear Jennifer. Things looked like they were getting quite heated up on that hill. From where I was sitting, it was about to get very hot indeed. What will Miles think of this?

Attached was a picture of Matthew on top of me on that hill...

I swallowed hard. I don't know who this person is and to be honest I think I'm in trouble. Who has my number? And who is taking pictures of me?

This is hands down the most creepiest shit ever. No doubt. I decide to turn my phone of and leave it for today.

The next morning I woke up and checked my phone. No messages, calls or anything. I then got dressed, brushed my teeth and got my bag and phone downstairs.

"Morning dad." I said as I saw him sitting at the able reading the news paper. He smiled at me but avoided eye contact. His phone began to ring and he answered it. I did myself some toast. "What?" I heard him say. "What do you mean, it's not there. It better be there, or I'm afraid you're going to e in big trouble." He said standing up and walking out of the kitchen.

I shook my head and finished my toast quickly. I then said goodbye to mum and left the house.

Once I arrived at school, my first lesson was English. I sighed and walked into the classroom as the bell went. I sat next to Miles so it would be awkward.

I sat down and got my book out and a pen. I didn't say anything to him. I couldn't. I didn't have the courage to say anything.

"So," Miles finally spoke. "How are you?" He asked.

"Um, I'm okay I guess." I said. "And you?"

"Never better." He said sarcastically. I swallowed and sighed. I love Miles so much and it hurts because we never argue.

"Miles, I am so, so sorry for what happened. But he did kiss me and I told him to let off after that. He's a family friend and a stupid one at that. Please don't let this ruin out relationship. I'm so so sorry." I said desperately trying to get through to him.

He looked at my sympathetically. "I know. I know. I just, I can't handle another guy kissing you, let alone touching you. I'm just angry and annoyed and I blamed it all on you. I'm sorry Jen." He said grabbing my hand.

I smiled a little and whispered, "Thank you Miles."

"It's okay baby. But he better not see you again. Or I'd knock his lights out." He said.

I giggled slightly and said, "He won't. I dot ever want to see him again."

Especially after what he told me. It hurt me and I can't believe he'd do that.

I am not telling Miles about last night. No way.

That day was actually a better day than any recently... Until I arrived home.

I came through the door and I put my bag and coat down.

"Mum! Dad! I'm home!" I shouted. They were both in the living room and my dad smiled. He gave me an envelope and said, "Open it." He smiled and I did as I was told.

I opened it and pulled out a letter.

Dear Miss Jennifer Moriarty,

You have been accepted to join the Hartfield's Boarding School...

I stopped reading and my mouth dropped open.

You have got to be kidding me...

Daddy's Angel (A Jim Moriarty FanFiction) *Sequel To: The Password Is...*Where stories live. Discover now