18. Darkness

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"Now hold still. Be a good girl for once." He said while bringing his phone out and putting it on the bedside table. I took this opportunity to get up and make a run for it. I hopped off the bed and tried to open the door. Matthew quickly caught me by the collar and threw me against the wall. "Where do you think you're going?" He asked me. I didn't answer him. He glared at me and hit me across the face. "I asked you a question." He said.

I couldn't answer him. I was holding my cheek as the stinging pain was intensifying. I couldn't handle the pain.

I began to sink down onto the floor, however, Matthew yanked me up and pushed me onto the bed. "Stop being a fucking bitch." He muttered. Excuse me? What have I ever done to him?

"Stop it! Would you just stop?!" I shouted sitting up.

Matthew glared at me and said,"Don't you dare tell me what to do." He pulled me up by my arms and suddenly punched me in the stomach. I groaned in pain as I sunk to the floor. I don't even know this man and he is beating the crap out of me.

"What do you want from me?" I whined. Matthew knelt down to my level and frowned. He lifted my chin gently and I flinched as his hand stroked the side of my face.

"You know the answer. You just haven't figured it out yet." He said suddenly grabbing my arms and yanking me up. I stumbled and almost fell but he caught me and steadied me. "Now. You're going to do exactly what I want you to do, or else I'll do a lot worse then this." He said pushing me onto the bed for a final time. I shut my eyes in defeat and I could feel my strength disappearing.

Matthew took my arms and pinned them above my head. He kissed my jawline and whispered something in audible. Where is Sherlock. I need fucking Sherlock. I shouldn't have left him. No way.

I felt nothing as Matthew kissed my neck and kissed my lips. Matthew suddenly slapped my cheek lightly and said, "Make a fucking effort." I didn't respond so instead he dragged me off the bed and held me against the wall. "When I ask you to do something, you fucking do it. Got it?" He growled. I nodded but I just needed o get out. He let go of me and said, "You've ruined everything. I'll come back later." With that, he left the room, leaving me feeling like a piece of shit.

I couldn't control myself. I was having a panic attack as I frantically tried to open the door. He had locked it behind him. I looked around the room and saw his phone which he had left by mistake. I then realized that my phone was- no. Of course he took my phone. I didn't even know anybody's number by heart.

I sighed and bit my lip. I looked in the mirror and there was still a red mark on my cheek. I needed to get out. Somehow.

A few minutes later Matthew came back in and said, "I've got someone coming home in a second. If you dare make a single noise, I will kill you. And don't think that I won't because I will. I am locking you in here and as soon as I hear a peep from you, you're dead. Got it?"

I nodded and he winked at me before shutting the door. I heard him lock it and about half an hour later someone was downstairs. I listened as I could hear talking. It sounded like a woman. I'm sure.

"Hey baby. Nice day at work?" Matthew said. So he has a wife, or girlfriend whichever. Why is he doing this to me?

A few minutes later I heard shouting and arguing. 'This wasn't going to end well.' I thought. The woman must've left because seconds later Matthew barged into the room and slammed the door. He scowled at me and grabbed my wrist. He wrapped his arms around my waist and violently kissed me while shoving me onto the bed. Not again. Please.

I struggled under his grip and he did nothing but hold me down on the bed harder. "Stop fucking moving Jennifer!" He was straddling me and he let go of my arms for a second. I let out a few sharp breaths and grabbed his arms. He grabbed mine in return and I shut my eyes.

I don't think he realized what I was doing, but I mustered up all my strength and pushed him away from me. He fell off the bed and I got up and ran out the door. I ran down the stairs and I knew he was following me. I opened the front door and began to run outside. Matthew caught my waist an lifted me back into the house, dropping me onto the living room sofa. I sat up quickly and my head was beginning to hurt. I looked up and there were two of Matthew. I frowned and he came closer to me but I tried to push him off for about the millionth time. Matthew pulled my shirt towards him, making me jolt forward and he slammed me back against the sofa.

That's when everything when black.

Daddy's Angel (A Jim Moriarty FanFiction) *Sequel To: The Password Is...*Where stories live. Discover now