2. Running into you.

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I woke up and yawned looking at the clock. 7:23. I got dressed and brushed my teeth then went downstairs. My mum put toast on a plate and gave it to me. "Sleep well?" She asked. "Mmhmm." I said chewing my breakfast. I could hear dad coming down the stairs. Mum was cooking and he came up to her and put his arms around her waist. He kissed her neck and said, "Good morning honey." I rolled my eyes. They always did this.

I finished my breakfast and got my bag ready to go to school. "Bye!" I called. "Jennifer!" Dad shouted. I turned. "Your mother and I would like to tell you something." I walked over to them. "Yeah?" I asked. "We'll, in a couple of weeks your turning 17 and we want to say that after then your free to stay out as late as you like up until 8:30 okay?" My dad said. Wow. "Thanks." I smiled and walked towards the door.

For once they are actually letting me be a teenager!

I opened the front door and walked out happily. I pressed the button beside the two big brass gates and they opened. I then turned and walked up the street. As I turned I accidentally walked into someone. "Oh. Sorry." I said looking up.


"It's alright." He smiled and I stared into his beautiful blue eyes. I really shouldn't be feeling this way. But how can my parents blame me? My mum fell in love with my dad and they are years apart like Sherlock and I. Sherlock coughed and I quickly looked away from him. "Sorry." I said again. "It's alright." He smiled and walked away. I watched him go and he buzzed the speaker next to the gate. He looked my way and smiled again before going inside. I sighed and carried on walking to school.

Whatever it was that he did to me wouldn't give up. I always felt embarrassed and uncomfortable around him. I don't understand how though...

Daddy's Angel (A Jim Moriarty FanFiction) *Sequel To: The Password Is...*Where stories live. Discover now